Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Food Nazi's

When the food police attain their goal of increasing taxes on products they don't think people should have, who will be hurt the most?
When taxes are placed on or increased on soft drinks, fruit drinks, sports drinks, plastic bags, breakfast cereals, tobacco, alcohol, etc. the poor will be hit disproportionately hard. There is no doubt when you want to stifle an activity you tax it. The question is how much. Currently there are substantial tax on cigarettes, alcohol, and gasoline. People including poor people continue to use these products.
Question: since the taxpayer usually contributes to aide the poor by way of AFDC, WIC, Medicaid/SCHIPS, child care, child welfare, TANF, low-income energy assistance, EITC, FSP, SSI, and a number of other programs would we not be taxing ourselves with a tax on food stuffs.
The very people (poor) that the Democrat Socialist Party claims to care about will be hurt the most.
A. C. Smithson


  1. The poor may be hit disproportionately hard-if they have poor eating habits. I'm all for people's right to choose. But parents who have skills in feeding their children nutritious food should have no problem with this tax, because they don't feed their kids poor quality food. It's the parents who don't know any better who need a little boost-and what better way to educate someone than to hit them in the wallet? You can absolutely feed your family in a healthy manner and cheaply too, it just takes a little more effort. Btw, I'm a democrat 'til I die-and a social worker.

  2. Once we teach these dummies what to eat what is next? What to say, where to work, what to believe, where to live. What comes next. Will we allow adults to access these products and only tax it if they are purchased for children? I applaud you democrat until death. Most liberals are afraid to consider other points of view. We only want to provoke thaought here not dictate what to believe. ThaNKS.

  3. Fifty years ago kids drank soda, kool-aid, ate at McDonalds, A&W, and Whataburger. They ate candy and chips. The difference is that they went outside and played. They ran, bicycled, rode horses, played sports, etc. Let's tax the televisions, computers, and video games. This will force the fat kids outside to play. Yes, in America even our poor have all these gadgets.
