Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Times of soft tyranny

We are currently living in times of a soft tyranny.

You may feel that you have freedom to do anything you want, but think again. Try to purchase the shower head you want, or the kind of toilet you want. Try to expand the size of your house. The appliances you wish to place in your house must have a seal of approval from your government otherwise you would be unable to purchase them. Suppose you have cancer and you know of a new drug that you believe may help you. See if you can get it without government (FDA) approval. The first lady wants to tell restaurants what to serve and what size portions you can have. The federal government wants to tell you what you can feed your kids for school lunch and even what you can feed them in your home. Soon they will tell you what kind of car you can drive ( G.M. government motors electric cars). Not long after that they may tell you where and when you can drive. Think that is silly and far fetched? The government legislating against the will of the people, is that possible? The majority of Americans are against Obamacare. They want it repealed. The courts have ruled it to be unconstitutional. Do you think they care? Hell no they are proceeding with its implementation at rapid pace.

Think about it.

A. C. Smithson

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