Friday, February 11, 2011


Pundits applaud the successful revolution in Egypt. Yoda Obama takes credit for it, and uses it as a positive toward his re-election. He attempts to compare the young Egyptians with young Americans who elected him in 2008.

The problem is we know nothing about this revolution and the people involved in it. There were few women as they were not allowed. Were these revolutionaries in search of democracy, or are they more like the revolutionaries we saw in Iran and Cuba.

With time this will be sorted out. Not all revolution is good. American Revolution - good, civil rights revolution - good, Castro's Cuban Revolution - bad, French Revolution - bad.

If we end up with an Islamic dictatorship as we did in Iran, when we encouraged the removal of the Shah, we've got problems. If what takes over is determined to destroy Israel recent news reports postulate we could be facing World War III.

A. C. Smithson

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