Friday, February 25, 2011

Yoda Obama

While millions of Americans are unemployed, and our economy is in ruins, Yoda has managed to resist his spirit being brought down. Democrats continue to grow government while lessening our freedoms and liberties. Again Yoda hangs in there. States are in financial chaos, and hundreds of thousands more Americans are at risk of losing their jobs, Yoda maintains. The Middle East and North Africa burn. Let's have a party. Gasoline cost will soon rise to $5.00 a gallon. Party! Party! Party!

Last night Yoda and his too much junk in the trunk wife had another party. It was a big Motown party and the president was able to dance with Stevie Wonder (don't ask don't tell). Our no class president has no concern or regard for average citizens struggling through these difficult times. Hopefully we will vote him out of office, so his future parties will be in Chicago at his expense and not the taxpayers.

Barrack's World: Party on, Barrack, Party on, Michelle.

A. C. Smithson

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