Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Man made global warming

Please stop the damn man made global warming before we all freeze to death.

Recently Al Gore stated in response to this huge snow storm that 20 years ago reputable scientist indicated that man made global warming would cause huge snow storms.

Problem is that in 2000 a scientist from the University of East Anglia (keeper of the stats and weather models that purport to prove man made global warming) stated that children will have no idea of what snow looks like. There will be no more snow.

This is the problem with lies. Eventually you can't keep them straight.

In the late 70's many of the same scientist that claim global warming were warning us that our pollution would cause worldwide global freezing. Hold on to your hats. As more people see this hoax for what it is these scientist and Al may switch back to global freezing. Especially if we have another winter like this one.

A. C. Smithson

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