Thursday, February 17, 2011

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber stated that he would never become a U.S. Citizen because "you guys are evil " for not having a state run health care system. Justin we do have socialized medicine here, it is called Obamacare. It has not yet been fully implemented as a few problems exist. In the first place it is unconstitutional. Secondly, it will cost so much we have to collect money for ten years to pay for six years of medical treatment. Finally, the regime did not want it started before he got re-elected as he knows Americans will hate it, and it would be impossible for him to get re-elected.

Putting aside the fact that you, sissy boy lack any worthwhile musical talent, and can only sell your music because people nowadays lack any discerning judgement regarding music. (This is the same phenomena which allows Rap music to sell.) We don't want you as a citizen, little girl. You are a lib and as with most libs you are a moron. ( as Dr. House would say.) I will give you somewhat of a break because of your youth. You derive the majority of your income from America. You ought to be a little more careful about biting the hand that feeds you. Try selling your crap in beautiful Canada and not here.

I have been to Canada and it is a beautiful place. You do however pay for health care. You pay alot. You pay out the ass. You are just too ignorant to understand that. Two years ago one of the doctors who organized and implemented your system indicated that it was experiencing major difficulties with funding and quality of service. The quality of your health care is below the standard of care in the United States. Doctors lack the resources and equipment to do it right. My doctor here in El Paso is an refugee from your socialized health care system.

When your dumb little ass becomes seriously ill you will come here. All people with money come here. People without any options stay in Canada and enjoy your wonderful system.

I would not become a Canadian citizen. I love it here, besides you guys are a bunch of jackasses.

A. C. Smithson

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