Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Homespun Wisdom

I have a co-worker who frequently takes me back to the old homey sayings of which I heard during my youth. Although we grew up in different parts of the country the old country wisdoms still hold meaning. Our families held similar type values concerning child rearing.

My friend grew up in Sylacauga, Alabama. As a young black girl she grew up with her five brothers and sisters. She was raised by her grandmama Jessie. They lived in a small brick house on four acres of land. My friend tells the story of how she called her grandma "Boom Boom". Boom Boom would ensure that when any of the six got into trouble all six received a whipping. One for committing the act and the other five for not telling.

A couple of the sayings that my friend recently shared with me are as follows:

" The bible says, don't make provisions for the flesh to fail."

" Boom Boom would say, I'm gonna beat you so the policeman don't have to."

Remember this was in the south during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Many blacks at the time understood the significance of the latter statement by Boom Boom.

A. C. Smithson

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