Friday, February 4, 2011


Why is the richest most advanced nation ever to exist on the face of the earth experiencing blackouts? I know it has occurred in places like California and New York, but I consider them to be third world countries due to their form of governance. Mexico or Brazil I can understand but not here. I often hear why are we in El Paso 20 years behind everyone else. We have Mayor Kook and a bunch of liberal socialist running the place that's why.

I saw a movie the other day (comedy) of the earth under attack by aliens (not from Mexico) but from outer space. A reporter was showing a picture of Detroit. Explosions were occurring, fires were burning, people were running in panic, utter chaos. Then she said this next picture is Detroit under attack. It was the same picture of the normal Detroit. Even liberals know what the problem is. Over a half century of single party rule, by democrats.

We are experiencing blackouts because the pantie waist politicians (P.W.P.) are being dictated to by the environmental wackos or if you prefer Eco Terrorist (E.T.) There is a math formula to aid in understanding this phenomena P.W.P. + E.T. = F.E.P. (flat earth policies.) If you listen to these people this is what they want. They want you to accept no nuclear plants, no building of refineries, no drilling for gas or oil, no coal plants, no manufacturing, no industry, no private transportation. According to them we have to much and we use too much. We should be equally poor and miserable as everyone else in the world. It's not fair! Sob Sob.

They don't want us to go back to horse and buggy. The horse may release green house gases by way of flatulence. They want us to revert back to the caveman. Not any caveman, but the caveman prior to the discovery fire, as fire would pollute our environment.

We might not be able to see the Superbowl due to blackouts, but we will have enough electricity to charge our overpriced and impractical electric cars. The government will decide what our families can eat and drink , but at least we will be safe from plastic bags. Make any sense to you?

Note to El Paso Electric: Don't build a damn solar panel array. Build another coal generating plant. This would be something we could depend on for a continual flow of electrical power.

A. C. Smithson

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