Saturday, February 26, 2011


Remember I spoke previously about the de-evolution of mankind. Here is more evidence. A high school student is at a party in Las Cruces at 3:00 A. M. Did he have parents? A fight broke out. A 24 year old man beat him in the head with a golf club. A second student was stabbed. The police arrested the culprit. He was put in jail. Today the student who got beat in the head died. The charges against the culprit were upgraded to murder. Other students from the dead boys school held a car wash to help pay medical cost for the dead boy, and the one that got stabbed. The dead boy was a football player. Four of his team mates decided to seek revenge for their friend. Did they have parents? They shot up a house and killed an innocent 54 year old man. Tell me we are not regressing in the direction of pond scum!

A. C. Smithson

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