Sunday, February 6, 2011

Escalating cost of living

Are you as concerned with the rising cost of most everything as I? Salaries are stagnant or declining yet cost continue to rise.

I do most of the grocery shopping as my wife prefers it that way. She simply provides me with a list. I have noted a significant rise in the total over the past 12 months. Fuel cost are also headed up. Remember my prediction of $4.50 to$ 5.00. We are on our way.

Everything under our governments guidance appears to be falling apart. The massive debt that these statist have managed to accumulate is mind boggling and they are not finished yet. Other problems exist also, some of our citizens are too fat, while others are without food. I saw a celebrity on television two days ago appealing for us to send money to feed America. I have no solution for the fat people as even our too much junk in the trunk first lady is beyond my influence. As for the hungry people I suggest we stop using our corn and other grains for fuel. Ethanol pollutes more, damages car engines with prolonged use, and uses more energy to produce than it provides. It is estimated that with the growing, processing, and formulating, ethanol takes the equivalent of one and a fourth gallon of gas to produce one gallon of ethanol. You might ask why then does the government continue to subsidize its production? The answer is simple. Once a program is started it will never die. That is how government works.

How long will it take for the escalating cost of most everything start to diminish our individual standards of living?

A. C. Smithson

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