Thursday, February 10, 2011


Multiculturalism is an invention of some people who considered themselves losers in their chosen vocation. I didn't become as rich as I believe I should have. I am not as well known or popular as I should be. I fell short of my goals and the fault lies elsewhere and not with me.

In our nations acceptance of this philosophy we have encouraged, and fostered the growth of both cultural apartheid and reverse racism.

England, Germany, and France are all three currently reaping the benefits of multiculturalism, increased terrorism.

Prime Minister David Cameron (UK) aptly put it in the following words. "Multiculturalism has encouraged segregated communities. Immigrant groups live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. The multiculturalism policy - one espoused by British governments since the 1960's, based on the principle of the right of all groups in Britain to live by their traditional values - had failed to promote a sense of common identity on values of human rights, democracy, social integration and equality before the law."

The difference between Britain and the United States is that we started this social experiment in the 1980's, they have a head start on us in screwing up their nation first. Give us a little more time.

Britain, Germany, and France additionally embraced socialism before us and now it has wrecked their economies. Give us a little more time.

A. C. Smithson

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