Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Question of the Day

Where are all of the jobs that Yoda Obama promised when he spent $787 Billion of your money to create. Answer: The same place that the spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico went. They can't find it either. The so called shovel ready jobs that didn't exist. An additional $29 billion was spent to prevent layoffs of teachers.

He used the money to bribe unions to re-elect him. Public service employees received 75 % of the stimulus money spent. Don't believe me look it up. In my mind this is not only just cause to refuse him re-election, but I believe it is just cause to impeach him. Using citizens money (on this scale, during a recession) to buy future votes from public service employees.

This is no longer class war between the rich and the poor. The Democrat National Socialist Party has created a war of the public service employee unions against the middle class. The middle class is losing!

A. C. Smithson

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