Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Essence of a liberal/nomenclature of a nut

How can you identify a liberal in your mist? It's the person who makes dumb comments day in and day out. The person to whom the majority of peers have identified as the stupid one. Libs makes senseless recommendations such as what came out of Berkley, California. Citizens of Berkley suggested that the United States has committed war crimes in fighting the murderous terrorists. They feel that Club Gitmo should release some of the prisoners, and at least two could relocate to the Berkley community. The terrorists would live in foster homes and be cared for.

Liberals have fabulous role models the likes of Hanoi Jane Fonda, Barnie's Frank, and Al Sharpton.
People whose ideas are so ridiculous few people want to listen to them necessitating the government having to subsidize their speech via NPR and PBS, lib.
A person who believes in man made global warming, lib.
A person who believes that your property should be confiscated and redistributed to less enthusiastic citizens, lib.
A person who despite the 136% increase in education spending over the last 10 years feels that an additional 11% would be simply marvelous, lib.
A person who refers to women as Bitches and Ho's, lib
A person who wants to legalize drugs as he is not sure if people are crazy enough already, lib
A person who believes you have too much and that you should have less and be poorer, lib.
A person who suggests more public spending, but they prefer to use your money and not theirs, lib.
A person who is not sure what to think until they have consulted the "Vagina Monologues" for guidance, lib.
A person who wakes up at noon in order to go pick up their welfare check, lib
A person who calls our men and women in the military "baby killers," lib
A person who from time to time makes political statements, but when you make a political statement they exclaim they don't talk politics then turns and walks away, lib.
A person who knows how to run your life better than their own, lib.
A person who is convinced second, third, forth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth, hand cigarette smoke causes cancer, lib.
A person who knows what you and your family should eat, lib.
A person who drives a clown car and sincerely believes he is saving the planet, lib.
A person who adopts animals instead of owning them, lib.
A person who believes public education is working fine, lib.
A person who blames someone else for the failures in their life, lib.
A person who believes members of minority groups cannot succeed without their help, lib.
A person who's mind is so tightly closed that trinitrotoluene can't open it, lib.
A man or boy who wears his pants below his ass and thinks he's cool, lib.
A person who is convinced that cow flatulence is destroying the planet, lib.
The last person in a room to get a joke, lib.
A person who doesn't believe in hell, but will likely one day live there, lib.
A person who is Godless and dreams of creating a utopia on earth, lib.
A person who considers shooting a deer murder, but doesn't have a problem killing and unborn child, lib.
A person who thinks God is so stupid that he would allow us to destroy ourselves by exhaling CO2, lib.
A person who believes God doesn't exist, but if he does they're confident that they are smarter than him, lib.
A person with a personality that has never matured, lib.
A person who runs down America, yet thinks Europe is cool, lib.
A person who believes our founding fathers were a bunch of old perverts, but Bill Clinton is not, lib.

A. C. Smithson

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