Wednesday, February 9, 2011

President Yoda

Yoda finds it necessary to interject himself into the Superbowl. Someone pay attention to this fool , so he will stay out of our faces. In his normal fashion he once again proves himself to be a serial liar. He said he has cut taxes since being in office. The fact is we pay 7 dollars for every one dollar he claims to have cut. (actually he did not cut taxes he only left the tax rate at the same level). His regulations and programs are causing us to pay more. Call it what you like, but when I have to pay more due to government I consider it a tax.

In his bid to get re-elected he fashions himself after a Ronald Reagan. He was asked during his interview what was the hardest thing for him being president. A president such as Reagan would answer sending troops off to war, and then notifying their families that they had been killed in action. Narcissistic Yoda answers it is his loss of privacy. He has a personality less like a proper president and more like a Dr. House.

A. C. Smithson


  1. My dearest Andy: As I read your blog this morning I couldn’t help to wonder… why blame others for our misery? is simple to find someone to blame. Blame the boss for not giving you an opportunity to show your best, blame your children for not listening, blame parents for not cooperating in education, and blame the government for not giving you a decent job… I am not stating that blaming is wrong or right… I am only questioning what we get out of doing such action. Should we take responsibility for doing our own contribution? Great leaders thought out the course of history haven’t blamed others. True leaders do not know how to play that game. I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the key. Maybe it will not get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near. I just think that we need to have respect and do what we have to do. If we completely loose respect in our society then what will be left? I believe that respect is the foundation of all relationships that could exist. If we do not respect our leaders then we are truly breaking every fundamental thing that should exist.

  2. My dearest darling grandaughter. I have no misery. I have had a wonderful successful life. I wish the same to all of you young people. I was a very important person in the police department. I have saved many lives (approx 12). The most important thing is that my wife and I raised two almost perfect children. I was greatly blessed. I blame no person for anything. I do however hold people accountable for their actions. Parents who have deaf children and they do not learn to communicate with them through sign language. Teachers or rather an education system who has moved deaf children from grade level to grade level without teaching them anything I hold responsible. The office of president for most of my life was one that you automatically showed respect for. Most of it's occupants deserved it. Some haven't as they are infallable humans. Times have changed. When Clinton the most powerful man in the world takes advantage of a stupid twenty-one year old intern and has sex with her I cannot respect that. When Obama wants to tear down our nation I cannot respect that. The nation that everyone wants to come to he wants to change. Doesn't make sense. He wants this nation to be controlled by the government and not the people. I cannot respect that. Remember these politicians are human and are not perfect. You earn respect. You are not automatically guarnteed it. If your husband beat you every night would you respect him? If he cheated on you would you respect him? I think not. Picture yourself living in Germany during the year of 1943. Adolph Hitler is your leader. You voted for him because he promised you a better life. For a few years you had a better life. 1935 to 1938 wonderful years in Germany. Do you respect him, probably yes. Now it is 1943 he is responsible for the death of millions. Do you respect him? 1945 he is dead. Approximately 50 million people have died because of him. Do you respect him. Does your principle or super respect you. Is it because you are a teacher? Is it because you are a successful teacher. Respect is earned. If you have a Marxist president that is ashamed of you because you are greedy, you have more than others do you you respect him. If he wants you to be as poor and miserable as the rest of the world do you respect him: Hell no you resist him and hopefully vote him out of office.

    Love Grandpa

  3. Dear El Guapo,
    I think this has been the most interesting post that I have read so far. I believe that you are right on many of the things that you mention. It is just that I cannot help to surpise myself when someone calls our president "a fool", a "yodaman", etc, etc. Perhaps you are right and just maybe he might deserve no respect but I believe that we cannot go around calling people names. Even when the names might fit, even when we might be right. Do you see my point?

  4. I agree with you about proper decorum, and in most instances people should be respectful towards individuals and institutions. If however as with the founding fathers this nation your leaders act in tyrannical ways, eroding individual rights, govern against the will of the people you must take a stand. I can clearly see your position, but with your intelligence I say with confidence you must not understand the degree to which this president and his government are harming our nation. Our way of life, our freedoms and liberties (granted by GOD), and our posterities liberties and standard of living are at risk. Understand our lofty president and his minions are involved in more hateful vitriolic speech than anyone else. They call people opposed to his liberal utopian dream, racist. Senator Durban called our soldiers, nazis, golag guards, and members of a regime like Pol Pots. Martin Luther King called many people in Alabama "vicious racist." (they were), he said the govenor "has lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" (also true). A man has to call it as he sees it. Hard words should be the least of our concerns with all of the devastationg problems we face.

  5. Wow you guys left nothing for me to say =(
