Monday, January 31, 2011

While Egypt burns

Where is our community agitator while Egypt is on the verge of collapse? Egypt could become another Iran or Lebanon if it reorganizes. A friend knowledgeable in mid-east affairs tells me the Egyptian people would resist a Muslim state. I hope my friend is correct.

Our community organizer was busy partying with his scumbag friends from Chicago. See what happens when you hire a chief executive on the basis of affirmative action.

The democrat party in Chicago provided us with a glimpse of their mayoral candidates at a debate. One woman told another woman (both candidates) that the reason she didn't know the first woman's whereabouts for the last twenty years is that the second woman was strung out on crack cocaine. The second woman admitted being a drug addict in previous years, but it was not crack cocaine she was addicted to. She is thinking of suing.

This is the calibre of politicians that Chicago gives us.

A. C. Smithson

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