Friday, January 14, 2011

Civility in public discourse

The president has asked for civility in public discourse. OK

I am sure the psycho babes in Code Pink will join in and stop yelling their hateful slogans such as Bush lied, people died.

I am sure Saul Alinski really didn't want to violently overthrow our government and build a socialist utopia.

The Black Panthers will probably agree not to say again that they need to kill some white cracker babies.

Bill Ayers likely no longer wants to plant bombs in the pentagon and the capitol building.

The Reverend Wright doesn't still hate America and the white people that live there.

Senator (Little Dick) Durban I'm sure feels bad for calling our military Nazi's, Russian Gulag guards, and members of Pol Pot's regime.

I am sure the liberals feel bad for calling citizens racist for disagreeing with Obama's policies, or objecting to illegal immigration.

Because of their good will I resolve to do the following:

I will no longer refer to Commissar Obama's regime as a Marxist group stealing our freedoms and liberties. I will call it a slightly left leaning group.

I will no longer say that Obama worships Saul Alinski as his God.

I will not complain that they are growing government and will one day control every aspect of our lives. I will just say they are trying to improve life for the middle class.

I will no longer call crack whores, crack whores, but instead I will call them chemically enhanced oral pleasure specialist.

Yea, I will do all of this as soon as the commie left does it. They just want us to shut up as they know when the truth comes out concerning their policies the voters kick their asses out of office and resoundingly reject their policies.

A. C. Smithson

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