Friday, January 7, 2011

Open letter to El Paso Mayor and Council

A few weeks ago your sagacity provided us with a new ordinance. The ordinance was to protect cyclists and pedestrians from cars. Worthless! Many avid cyclist are asses with chips on their shoulders. They are so paranoid about equal access to road ways they dare cars to hit them. On occasion they intentionally impede traffic to prove their power. The vast majority follow no traffic laws. They fail to stop at red lights or stop signs. They weave in and out of traffic. They ride in the center of the lane rather than right. They speed. They ride after dark without proper illumination. You can't protect someone this stupid. They don't belong in traffic that is why you parvenus make bike paths. Pedestrians walking in front of cars won't work either. All you have succeeded in is further harassing motor vehicle operators. Now you iconoclast want to tell us how to eat. You want to redesign our neighborhoods to accomplish your Utopian goals. NEWSFLASH....... you are not smart enough to decide how other people should live their lives. We citizens should probably be telling you politicians how to live your lives.

Focus on the things that you should. Clean graffiti, pick up trash without spilling most of it on the street. Keep roads clean and repaired. Keep police and fire service running. Keep libraries open. Continue to think of new innovative ways to waste taxpayers hard earned money. Leave the difficult decisions to people more intelligent than you, the Citizen. Attempt to figure out a bus schedule that will move a citizen from the east side of town to downtown and back in under four hours.

A good man ought to know his limitations.

A. C. Smithson

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