Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The State of Delusion Speech

The Messiah knows that his first two years of Marxist rule was a complete failure. Now he is running away from his socialist beliefs and pretending to be someone who he is not. Don't be fooled he still is a Marxist fruitcake.

A community agitator with no experience is clueless. I saw some areas of talent exhibited in his speech however. After his one term in office he could be either an actor or a stand-up comic. He could star in a made for TV movie entitled "The American Economic Terrorist." In the title role he would play himself. He has good comedic timing and could replace Eddie Murphy after Eddie retires.

While the nation nears bankruptcy he proposes more spending. He spoke of investing in Bullet Trains. He discussed salmon in fresh water, salt water, and smoked. He explained it would be stupid to deport that one in two-hundred and fifty thousand illegal aliens which attains a high degree of education (at U.S. taxpayers expense). The remaining illegals I guess would live off entitlements for three or four generations.

I will summarize his vision for America's future. He envisions us riding high speed rail trains, eating smoked salmon, while being served by vastly over educated illegal aliens.

Heaven help us!

A. C. Smithson

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