Sunday, January 9, 2011

The senile Sheriff of Pima County, Arizona

This is in response to his comments concerning the shooting in Arizona yesterday.

Clarence W. Dupnik, you sir appear to be some type of an fascist autocrat. Your recent comments concerning free speech, right to bear arms, and the mental ill has set us Americans straight. You have chastised citizens objecting to a government which rules against the will of the people. The government is always right, and you citizens should take your God given rights and shove them, appears to be your position. (If you need an example of the government ruling against the people's will, I direct your attention to the socialized medicine scam known as Obama care.) I only wish we were allowed to object to that. There is little doubt from your comments that you are a progressive (socialist). You additionally have a problem with citizens second amendment rights. You have a gun don't you? I bet those poor people shot down by that animal wish they had a gun in order to defend themselves. It also appears that you miss the good old days when they locked the mentally ill away. A.C.L.U. types similar to yourself screwed that up for us.

I am confident that you will view my comments as hate speech intended to incite. I disagree, as I am attempting to get you to think about your ridiculous positions.

In the event you continue with your views I know of couple places where you could retire and avoid the speech, guns, and mental people. I suggest to you either China or Russia.

A. C. Smithson

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