Monday, January 10, 2011

Liberal Vitriol

Almost immediately the intolerant left was attempting to blame the Arizona shootings on conservatives. With little information known the vitriol and hate speech of the Beck's, Limbaugh's and Fox News were to blame. They reported the murderer to be a former soldier, a conservative, a member of the tea party, all of which were proven to be false. One of his few friends said he was a leftist marijuana smoker. Another friend stated that he flew into a rage every time he heard Bush's name.

There are no more hateful, intolerant people in the country than the left. The Durban's, Schumer's, and Colmes' hate your liberties, freedoms, and they look down on the average citizen with contempt. They are wholly against your right to descent. They are against your freedom of speech, unless you happen to agree with them. They want to expand government and it's control over every aspect of your life. They are somewhat humorous however. They crack me up when they profess to be open minded and tolerant. They are open minded when it comes to using drugs, and supporting one mans right to have anal intercourse with another, but it pretty much ends there.

People with opposing views are shouted down, or demonized. Most of these open minded people will not even speak to you if you mention the name of Rush Limbaugh. To these tolerant people if you believe in God you are a fool, but if you are an atheist your rights are sacred. Persons wishing to exercise their second amendment right to keep and bear arms are potential murderers. The U.S. Constitution is a document of negative rights from a bygone era.

One last point before I close. How did this nut in Arizona get a gun. There are thousands and thousands of gun laws on the books. He went through a background check. He had at least five previous encounters with the police. He was known to be a drug user and was rejected by the Army. For those of you who put your complete faith and trust in government let me ask you a question. Who failed these Arizona victims? Answer, the government that requires a background check, and still allowed this mentally deranged person to purchase a gun.

A. C. Smithson

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