Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Recruitment of democrats

The democrat party preys on the following groups for it's recruitment purposes:
  • young
  • Mal-adjusted
  • uneducated
  • illiterate
  • ignorant
  • just plain stupid

Intelligent sane people do not affiliate themselves with such a pathetic ideology. The current batch of democrats are liberal socialist. Socialism fails everywhere it is tried. Democrats are incapable of learning from past failures. They simply repeat the same mistakes time after time hoping for a different outcome. Members are generally losers in life. They are losers because they are weak and dependent on others. Many females of this ilk are divorcees incapable of sustaining a meaningful relationship.

This entry is dedicated to old Scarface with deep appreciation for her inspiration.

A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. whenever a democrat finds "common ground" he finds it right where a Republican was standing
