Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Andrea Mitchell

Democrats want to eliminate your First and Second Amendment Rights. To their way of thinking opposition speech and gun ownership should be outlawed. Note: No democratic society has been overtaken by autocratic rule without guns being taken away first. Slaves don't own guns!

This morning on PMS-NBC (MSNBC) the old despicable prune face Andrea Mitchell made the following comment. (I am paraphrasing) Some people rightly or wrongly are holding Sarah Palin responsible for the events in Arizona.

I say some people rightly or wrongly say that Andrea Mitchell is an ugly wart on the ass of America.

The 6 or 7 people that watch MSNBC should be ashamed, and discontinue watching it in the future. It is an un-American or to say the least anti-American enterprise.

Democrats are a bunch of whinny ass wusses.

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