Saturday, January 8, 2011

Deficit reduction suggestion

It is generally accepted by both parties that when Obama care was reviewed in order to estimate the cost, accounting gimmicks were used. Revenue will be collected for 10 years in order to pay for six years of Obama care. Medicare payments to doctors was not counted with several other inaccurate bits of information provided for the budget estimate. This was necessary to keep the claimed cost below $1 Trillion. Overall Obama care was low balled by something in the neighborhood of $700 billion.

Cuban healthcare.
Future of obamacare.

Now when you hear the politicians and pundits discuss this they openly admit that the congressional budget office will provide you results based on the information that you provide it.

Politicians and pundits also freely admit the information provided to congressional budget office was inaccurate in other words a LIE. When the politicians gave the information to the congressional budget office they knew they were lying. The congressional budget office knew they were lying. The congressional budget office knew that the results provided back to the politicians was a lie. Question: What good are they.

We could and should cut out the budget office. There is no telling how many millions of dollars is wasted funding the congressional budget office. Cutout the middleman. Just lie directly to us and save all that money.

A. C. Smithson

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