Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hillary shakes hands with Hugo Chavez

This morning's news asked the question why is Hillary shaking hands with a socialist dictator like Hugo Chavez? That is easy it's because she and the Imam Obama like his style. The Marxist socialist form of government is what their keen intellect tells them works best, and it is far more fair to the masses.

A. C. Smithson



  2. The rough relationship between Venezuela and the United States is not a recent development. But just in case anyone forgot, Hugo Chavez opted to provide the world with a little reminder…put to music.

    In June during a television and radio address, the Venezuelan president attacked the U.S. and Hillary Clinton, saying, “She’s free to like me or not.” He then proceeded to sing: “I’m not loved by Hillary Clinton…and I don’t love her either.” According to the BBC, the words are a reference to a popular song in Venezuela.

    Is she stupid??
