Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nation of Wusses

I seldom agree with Fast Eddie Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania, about anything. This time he is right.

Fast Eddie says of Sunday nights football game (can't play in the cold) between Philadelphia and Green Bay: "We've become a nation of Wusses. If this was in China do you think the Chinese would have called off the game?" " They would be walking to the game while doing calculus."

In 1967 Dallas played against Green Bay in the Ice Bowl. The game time temperature was -13 F with a wind chill factor of -48 F.

We are slowly becoming incapable of doing anything for ourselves.

People can't feed their children lunch without someone else picking up the tab.

People won't find jobs because we are willing to pay them not to. (Unemployment insurance into perpetuity).

Children will not behave in school as parents can't discipline them.

Children will not learn as they have no personal responsibility. Other nations it is claimed are surpassing us in science and technology. Cultures in other countries value an opportunity for an education. Here it is just another entitlement to be taken advantage of. It's not the children's fault if they don't apply themselves. It is the fault of some teacher for not sufficiently entertaining them.

We are feeding our fat kids too much even though we can't afford to buy their lunch. Our (junk in the trunk) first lady is going to tell you how to feed them.

An animal rights group makes a commercial of a dancing bear and a burro in some third world country. It explains how both were traumatized at a young age by having to witness the murder of their mothers. We want to make wusses out of animals now.

I am a Vietnam Veteran and as such feel compelled to comment on the military. It kills me to see soldiers, warriors, combat troops whine about being away from home. Double deployments. You volunteered, you were not drafted. Suck it up. What is this post traumatic stress syndrome? Hell soldiers that haven't even been in combat have it. You only need to know someone who was in combat to qualify. Do you think China or North Korean soldiers cry like this? Hell the North Koreans don't even have food let alone a pot to piss in. Think they're tough? We better hope we don't have to fight them. We better pray we do not have an all out conflict like World War ll. The military has a commercial that tells soldiers it is strong to ask for help (in other words to be weak).

Mama's don't let your children grow up to be wusses.

A. C. Smithson

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