Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Racist Democrat Party

For over two years members of the Democrat Socialist Party said that people who oppose the Lord Messiah Barrack Hussein Obama were opposing him because they are racist. Now that he has agreed that the Bush Tax Cuts are good for the economy all the liberal nuts disagree with him. He is opposed, and criticised by his own party. They are clearly racist.

I was born in the 1950's. I witnessed the civil rights struggle first hand. It was a daily event on news stories. The people who opposed the civil rights struggle were southern democrat politicians . They favored separate schools, separate water fountains, separate restaurants, marriage within own race, and sitting in back of the bus. They were racist then and now that they oppose the Messiah they clearly continue to be. One of their main goals appears to be holding the black man down.

A. C. Smithson

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