Saturday, December 11, 2010

You may be an Obama Supporter if...

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe that maintaining the current tax rate is cutting taxes on anyone. It is simply maintaining the current rate.

You may be an Obama supporter if you covet you neighbors possession and buy into this class warfare jazz.

You may be an Obama supporter if you think he has any clue what the hell he is doing.

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe the recession is over.

You may be an Obama supporter if you think he can't screw things up worse.

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe Obamacare will lower the cost of health insurance, and that the quality of health care will continue as it currently is. (The best in the world.)

You may be an Obama supporter if you cannot acknowledge that he is a Marxist after examining the previous actions he has taken.

You may be an Obama supporter if your education predominately consist of indoctrination, and not true education, and you do not read this blog in order to round out your education.

You may be an Obama supporter if you believe the Imam Barrack Hussein Obama when he says that America in no longer a Christian Nation.

A. C. Smithson

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