Sunday, December 5, 2010

Marxist democrat party

Here is one undeniable truth which will carry you through life: Progressives, Liberals, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, (whatever name they are hiding behind or running away from) lie. Republicans lie also the difference is not everything they say is a lie. Everything democrats say is a LIE. I will provide you with a clear, simple example. Remember for the last eight years or so the liberals in unison would sing, THE BUSH TAX CUTS ARE FOR THE RICH? Remember? All the scumbag politicians would repeat this mantra and it was echoed by the liberal press. Well now you hear they only want to continue with the tax cuts for the middle class. The 95% of Americans who need the tax break. Now how many dumb-ass democrats voters thought the tax cuts were only for the rich? Most I would wager. So the Bush tax rates were not only for the rich, but instead for all Americans. Imagine that. Now remember this example.

If you look at Obamacare, cap and trade, amnesty for illegals, deficit reduction, Club Gitmo, Afghanistan, Iraq, laser focus on unemployment, drain the swamp of corruption, tax reductions for the rich, man made global warming etc. they are all lies. Don't believe me take a closer look at each issue yourself, and you will discover that they are in fact lies.

A. C. Smithson

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