Thursday, December 9, 2010

Danger! Danger! Will Robinson

Our current obese Sturgeon (surgeon) General Regina Benjamin issued a November 2010 warning about smoking and second hand smoke. "Even one cigarette can be damaging to DNA..... brief exposure to secondhand smoke can be just as dangerous...... tobacco smoke causes immediate harm to the body, damaging cells and inflaming tissue. This can lead to serious illness and death. Dogs and cats are at higher risks of cancers within a smoking household." One cigarette, one puff can kill you!

I can remember and I am sure you can remember when smoking was allowed in restaurants. Remember having to crawl over all the dead bodies on the way out? I do.

If this stuff is so dangerous why is it legal. Why is it sold tax free on Indian Reservations. I better not hear anything else about how dangerous guns are. They are nothing compared to smoking or even second hand smoke. These nuts want you to be afraid of everything.

A. C. Smithson

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