Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Hook Murders

Liberal sissy boys like Geraldo Rivera and Joe Scarborough want to blame guns for this murderous attack on the poor babies and their teachers.  Low information citizens will buy into this.  I will address them as LIC for brevity.  Truth is it is not what is in our hands but instead what is in our hearts that allow these events to happen.  A Facebook posting depicted a note to GOD.  It read "Dear GOD,
Why do you allow so much violence in our schools? Signed a concerned student.  Dear Concerned Student, I'm not allowed in schools, GOD."  Ben Franklin warned us that "They who can give up essential liberty (freedoms for the LIC's) to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety."  According to the Brookings Institute there are over 20,000 gun laws currently on the books.  Do these laws stop school shootings?  Answer is no.  All they do is prevent law abiding citizens from having the ability to defend themselves.  Schools are gun free zones.  This is why killers shoot up schools because they know people found there will be unable to defend themselves.  When I was in high school students brought their guns to school.  You could walk through the student parking lot and see shotguns and high powered rifles hanging from gun racks in vehicle windows.  Jurisdictions with the strictest gun laws such as Washington D.C. have the highest rates of violence. Warum?  As I stated earlier it is not what is in our hands but what is in our hearts that is the problem.  Box cutters and airplanes killed three thousand Americans in the Trade Towers.  O. J. cut his ex-wife's head off with a knife.  Oklahoma City bombers killed hundreds with fertilizer.  The deadliest school killings occurred on May 18, 1927 in Bath Michigan where 45 people, mostly children, were killed and 58 were injured when disgruntled and demented school board member Andrew Kehoe dynamited the school for revenge over his farm being foreclosed on due in part to school taxes.  In China the last five school attacks involved knives in four and gasoline in one.  Obama asks "are we doing enough to keep our children safe?"  The answer is no.  If you want to keep them safe have three to four teachers who are adequately trained and screened to carry concealed handguns.  They would then have the means to protect the children.  Now if we truly are interested in fixing things to protect children I have a few other areas to examine.  Abortion or  women's right to choose, has claimed over 40 million lives since it's legalization.  All of these children at one point would have been first graders just like the babies at Sandy Hook School.  As a trade off for irresponsible whorish behavior we can murder 40 million children for convenience sake.  By my count approximately 100 children have been killed in school shootings.  One hundred precious souls.  Hundreds die in car accidents each year.  Over a thousand each year in drowning accidents.  Around a thousand each year while riding bicycles.  Gangs cause deaths of hundreds of youths annually. Are we going to  make laws against having a gang or being a member? Will we address these deaths also?  Don't listen to these sissy boys Rivera and Scarborough, think, research, and decide for yourself. A final point, another lib policy like gun free zones, and abortion is the de-institutionalism of the mentally ill.  This lib policy which had it's beginnings in the 1950's and came to fruition in the 1960's threw the doors of mental institutions open.  Dangerous mentally people should be incarcerated protecting society at large from them.  A more common strand which runs throughout these murderers is mental illness.  It is more common than guns.
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's all down hill from here!

America's best days are behind her.  It has always been known that she would fall from within.  To you greedy uninformed people who elected Czar Obama remember; you will reap what you have sown. Enough said.
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Education Moment

Since schools are failing to educate the youth of America I will do my little part to help.

Marxism: A system of economic and political thought, originated by Karl Marx, and elaborated by others.  It holds that the state has been the device for suppression of the masses, allowing exploitation by a dominant (capitalistic) class; that historical change occurs through class struggle; and that the capitalist system will inevitably wither away to be superseded by a classless society.

Communism: A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or be holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.

Democrat Party-Present Day:  See above definitions.

Make no mistake, if President Kardashian is re-elected the hope, opportunity, and freedoms, America offers will be lost possible forever.  Our economy will become the new Greece.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama Election Plan

"Remember Joe, we don't need everyone's vote. We only need the STUPID one's."  "I am afraid Barrack those are the only votes we can get."
A. C. Smithson

Ass Kicking

Tell Vladimir that I got my ass kicked because the American People figured out that like you and Vlad I am a Marxist Communist.  They don't appreciate my efforts to destroy America.  Tell Vlad I can no longer help so Vlad will have to destroy America by himself.
A. C. Smithson

Colin Powell

People fawn and drool over Colin Powell.  Not me.  To me he is human excrement.  He is willing to support Obama over America.  Support another black brother over America.  Powell doesn't want to be known as an Oreo (black on the outside and white on the inside).  It's more important to him than the continued success and greatness of America. He is no better for this nation than Obama.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vote for revenge?

I agree with Obama. Vote for revenge.
Vote for revenge against the person who put your children and grandchildren in debt for their entire lives.
Vote for revenge against the person who passed a health care law which will destroy our great health care system.
Vote for revenge against the person who gave guns to Mexican drug cartels who in turn killed over 200 Mexican Citizens.  Including teenagers at a birthday party.
Vote for revenge against the person who left fellow citizens alone to be murdered in Libya.
Vote against the person who gave the stimulus money to his political supporters to buy votes instead of building an infrastructure in the Northeast which could have withstood Hurricane Sandy.
Vote for revenge against the person who has destroyed jobs in America.
Vote for revenge against the person who apologizes for America to a bunch of terrorist.
Vote for revenge against the person who is trying to steal your rights and make you subject's of the state.
Vote for revenge against the person who played the race care against Hillary Clinton.
Vote for revenge against the person who will not allow gas exportation and caused prices to double.
Vote against the person who has vowed to put the coal business, out of business, doubling the future price of electricity.
Vote for revenge against the person who is destroying our military putting our security in jeopardy.
Vote against the person who claims to be moving forward, but is in fact only implementing the old policies of the progressive party from 1917.
Vote for revenge against a liar who sends out a convicted liar, Bill Clinton, to lie for him.
Vote for revenge against the person who on a daily basis lies to you about these issues.
Vote for revenge against the person who takes advantage of the weak minded people who constitute the democrat party.
Vote for revenge against the Marxist community organizer, Barrack Hussein Obama!
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What more do they need?

After four years of evidence of what "Obama the Destroyer" is about, who can still be considering a vote for him?  Programmed Children and the criminally insane.  What is his goal?  To grow government to the point that the democrat socialist party can continue in power forever.  Then what happens?  They will have absolute power over every American's life.  Then what?  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Not that his regime can be much more corrupt.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, November 2, 2012

Another Obama Reverend

Reverend Joseph Lowery (another Obama friend and preacher) recently declared that all white people are going to hell. Now it is certainly possible that many will.  Matthew 7:13-14 states; "Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it".  Little doubt this racist bastard will be there.  There should be a good number of blacks there with us.  The fathers that abandon their children (more than 60 % fatherless families) and their mothers.  The vile an vulgar rap artist and their gangster persona's.  The drug dealers who poison their own.  The lazy shiftless that expect their fellow citizens to take care of them, and then whine and complain about how they are mistreated. The gang members who murder other blacks in Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, Washington D.C., Camden, New York, etc. Those who murder their children through abortion.  The Sharpton's and Jackson's who teach hate and distrust.  Yes it should be quite crowded.
A.C. Smithson

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Something to think about

Obama has Clinton the misogynist, convicted perjurer out in Ohio calling Romney a liar.  Obama is the head of the greatest most prosperous nation on the face of the earth and he is warning that we cannot go back to the old failed policies that made us that way.  How the hell can any person be undecided.  The choice is Obama the Marxist who wants to fundamentally change our country into a centralized government controled nation and strip our freedoms and liberties making us servants of the government.  A huge expensive expansive government.  The alternate choice is Romney a moderate who is also into big government, but does not want to grow it so big that it enslaves us all.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Are you as tired as I am of liberals/progressives insulting your intelligence?  They are always empowering you or increasing your awareness about something.  Hispanics don't know what to say to their doctors without a commercial from Health and Human Services telling them how.  Inter city dwellers can't figure out how to get to and from their work and need help according to Obama.  Hispanics and blacks have no clue how to obtain a photo ID (free) in order to vote.  Parents do not know how to talk to their children about sex without government assistance.  Mothers have no clue how to stop their daughters from texting too much without  Fathers watching television with their sons will accidentally  expose their child to porn without commonsense. org.  telling them how to work the television.  Citizens cannot find polling places without being collected and driven by bus.  You can't figure out what to eat without government instruction.  Parents can't feed their children without free school breakfast and lunch.  People cannot figure out that smoking is bad for your health unless the surgeon general informs them.  Drugs both illicit and prescription (when abused) are detrimental to your health.  Some people have cancer, Alzheimer's, autism, heart problems, depression, diabetes, etc., and you would not know this if some agency or government body did not inform you.  We are treated like brain dead zombies in the attempt to convince you that you are incapable of doing anything for yourself.  Some agency or the government must be there to help you with everything.
A. C. Smithson

Why did Obama have his head handed to him during the debate?

It is because he is not the smartest man ever to be president.  That is a creation of the press.  It is because he is a dumb ass who can't string two sentences together without the aide of a teleprompter.  He has no experience or knowledge beyond that of a community agitator.  He is a dumb ass only to be surpassed by his vice president Joe Biden.  Think about it.  Who other than a dumb ass would choose Marxism over a representative democracy?
A. C. Smithson

What makes a liberal

On occasion I have wondered what makes a liberal tick.  Could they be evil.  Are they just exceptionally stupid?  Is the fact that they are uninformed about most things the cause for their beliefs?  The other day while watching television it hit me.  One show was a group of liberals trying to save the spotted owl from a logging company.  The owner of the logging company was a murderer and illegally selling timber to a foreign country.  The second show portrayed the daughter of a scientist who was killed by a corrupt military leader in Peru.  The father was in search of the Aztec's stash of gold.  The daughter was confident that if she could find the gold (estimated at over two billion dollars) the Peruvian government could feed, cloth, house, and educate all the children of Peru.  I am sure that is exactly what the government would use the money for.  Anyway it struck me.  Liberals are childlike, simplistic, with easily malleable minds.  This is why the Democrat Socialist Party picks these particular groups.  The young, uneducated, uninformed.  If they survive until school age the education system in either K-12 will program them on what to think.  If they survive that the liberal universities will set their minds straight.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, September 24, 2012

Important Notice

If you love your country and you love your children, you must vote Obama out.  He will destroy both!
A. C. Smithosn

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Happened?

Why would Islamist attack our embassies in Egypt and Libya especially since our dear leader has apologized to them and asked them to be our friends.  He has embraced them and shunned Israel.
Why did the Egyptian embassy issue an apology for them attacking us?  They did it because they believed this is what our dear leader would want.
Now as to why it happened.  Pure and simple the terrorist know our dear leader is weak.  He will do nothing but talk.  He and his administration are appeasers and apologist.  It's that simple.  Now as to the Arab Street.  They brag that they have a civilization thousands of years older than ours.  I am not sure as they do not appear to be civilized at all to me.  But it was only a few bad apples not all of them.  The majority that stands by and gives tacit approval are just as guilty as the terrorist.
A.C. Smithson

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Obama Rap

Nicki Minaj, famous rapper, wrote a typical profanity lace Rap about Romney.  I have always thought I could rap.  It is my first attempt but, it is at least as good as her's.  Imagine any bass beat you want to play behind the lyrics.

Barrack Hussein Obama
He wanna be your mama

He take the money from the rich
He say it for your life to hitch

Your hopes, your dream's, your life control
Obama want your very soul

He untold dream, tear the nation down
He treat you like a stupid clown

The business there you did not build
Our govment done made that yield

He treat you like a witch
When he drive the conomy in a ditch

Barrack say he kill Osama
SEALS killed him not Obama

Teleprompter tell him what to say
Without it he sound so gay

Illegal aliens he want to vote
No photo ID, he hope will float

Michelle she tell you what to eat
Has you seen that woman's seat

His health care plan will kill the old
That story yet, you ain't been told

He say he save the middle class
He gonna drop you on your ass

Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care

A tryant you say, he denying
That my friend I ain't buyin

Equally broke and miserable, he hope
Bush he say done it, that big DOPE

All praise our brave leader
Barrack Hussein Obama Mmm Mmm Mmm

Barrack Hussein Obama Mmm Mmm Mmm

Barrack Hussein Obama Mmm Mmm Mmm

fo shizzle ma nizzle

A.C. Smithson, Keepin it real

fo shizzle ma nizzle acording to the urban dictionary is "I concur with you whole heartedly my Africian American brother."

Friday, September 7, 2012

Remember this Photo

When Obama was discussing weakening our missile systems with Russia. " I will inform Vladamir" that you will have more latitude after your next election when you are no longer accountable.  Remember?  Yesterday Vladimir endorsed Obama.  He is someone we can trust, a good man we can work with.  Translation- He is weak, he is a foreign policy armature and an idiot.  We can take advantage of him if need be.  We may not have to as we share many similar beliefs of how government should work.  In his speech at the DNC Obama said Russia is not our enemy.  Of course they are.  Our very existence threatens them by having freedom on display.  People of the world see what freedom brings.  They oppose us on every front as does China.  They opposed us in Vietnam, Syria, Pakistan, N. Korea, Iraq, Iran, Lybia, the U.N., need I go on?  We are their natural enemies. If our (America's) natural enemy endorses a candidate for U.S. President what is their goal?  Think about it!
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Karl Marx first meeting with Obama

Mentor to student.
A. C. Smithson

First Night of Democrat National Convention

Democrat delegates in the lounge just before tonights kickoff.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, August 24, 2012

Attention Women of America.

If you care about your child's future, freedom, and standard of life you can't vote for this man.
A.C. Smithson

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Obama Supporters

If you support Obama and you are not sure where he will take you, or give you the next four years see the movie, Obama 2016.  It will explain in simple terms who he is and what he believes.
A.C. Smithson

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who is Obama? Who are his mentors?

Who is Obama?  Is he a Marxist? Frank Marshall Davis was one of his main mentors during the formative years ages 13 to 18.  He was selected by Obama's white grandfather who wanted Barry to have a black role model.  Research Davis and find out who he is.  You never have to take my word for it.
A. C. Smithson

Reality shock

Obama has consistently lied to the American people.
1) I will cut the deficit in half during my first term.  It increased by five trillion dollars.
2) If you let me spend 878 billion dollars unemployment will not exceed 8%.  Currently 8.3 %. last (44-45 months above 8%)
3) Within my first year I will pass comprehensive immigration reform.  Didn't do it.
4) I will Close Club Gitmo in the first year of my administration.  Didn't do it.
5) I will have the most open administration.  Ended up to be most closed and secretitive.  Issues executive orders in the dead of night.
6) Stimulus program will lead to millions of shovel ready jobs.  Obama laughs while stating I guess there were not that many shovel ready jobs.  Very Funny.
7) I will make the skies bluer and the ocean levels lower by embracing green energy.  He has wasted more tax payer money in failed green energy companies. Solyndra and others.
8) Universal health care will cover everyone and be cheaper.  Rates have increased significantly and this is only the beginning.  21 million will still be uninsured after full implementation.
9) He took an oath to uphold the constitution but consistently violates it.
10) I will be a uniter not a divider.  Most divisive in modern history.
11) The rich do not pay their fair share.  The top 5% pay 53.8% of all federal taxes.
12) We care about the poor.  Only enough to enslave them and destroy their ambition with a monthly welfare check.
13) We care about minorities.  KKK was founded by southern democrats.  Civil rights legislation was blocked by southern democrats. The police chief (Bull Conner) who turned police dogs and water hoses on civil rights marchers was a democrat.  The Governor (George Wallace) who blocked black children from entering a white school was a democrat.  Robert Byrd, former democrat senator was a recruiter for the KKK in his youth.  Democrat party has promised a better life for minorities for over fifty years.  Blacks are still waiting.
14) Romney is a felon. He lied about when he left Bain Capitol.  He would have been charged by A.G.
15) Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years.  He weould be in prison.
16) He murdered Soptec's wife.  She died seven years after the plant closed.  She had her own health insurance from her job.

Don't be suckered by people saying Obama knew nothing about what his lying servants are claiming.  He told them what to say.

The democrat party currently consist of the dependent, the gullible, the lazy, the uneducated, the ill informed, the abortionist, the perverse.  This constitutes their base.  This is why Obama consistently lies to them because he knows they lack the information or, intelligence to spot a lie.

* As always you don't have to take my word for it, look it up.

The crybaby always blames someone or something else for his failures.  George Bush, the Japanese  Tsunami, the European Economy, nasty Wall Street, the dirty republicans, the low life bankers, the rich, and at least another dozen straw men.  He had both the senate and the house his first two years, absolutely no opposition.

Fact: Any person who has been alive the last three and a half years and plans to vote for Obama is just barely human, intellectuality speaking.
A. C. Smithson
I voted for OBAMA!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Something to think about

I just watched a commercial with our obese Surgeon General warning what will happen to children if they smoke tobacco.  They will all die of a number of horrid diseases.  Now if this is true why then doesn't our government not outlaw the production. import, possession, and sale of tobacco.  They claim concern while they collect taxes on this commodity.  Where is their true concern, tax revenue or the children.
A.C. Smithson

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Smartest man in the senate!

I recall the liberal press years ago called Joe Biden the smartest man in the senate. They slobbered over him.  He is so experienced, knowledgeable, articulate.  He is just the greatest.
This does not bode well for the U.S. Senate.  He may have been the smartest man in the senate  however, he is the dumbest Veep we have ever had.
One of Joe's quotes: As Barrack says a three letter word jobs, J. O. B. S., jobs."
This unfortunately for America was one of his more lucid moments.
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Question of the Day!

In 1776 the U.S. Population, in the colonies, was approximately 2.5 million, .5 million slaves.  They found to lead the government and establish a new nation people like George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, John Hancock, Peyton Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Clymer, Blout, Broom, Dayton, Gorman, Befford, and a large number of other honorable, dedicated men. 
Today the population is 320 million and the best we can find is this collect of dishonest, disloyal, compromising, spineless, corrupt, self serving, lying, socialistic, thieving, collection of politicians we currently have in Washington D. C. who are running our great nation into the ground.  Heaven help us!  Question, with all the people we have to choose from today, Can't We Do Better Than This?
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The actions of the teenagers who conducted the profanity-laced battery of slurs against bus montior Karen Klein is not an unusual occurance.  The parent of one of these miscreants was quoted as saying that he is sure they have learned their lesson.  Yea, that is likely.  These angels from Greece, New York are dead inside.  Typical among this age group of undisciplined losers is their lack of fear.  They conduct themselves in this manner because they can.  Parents who do not care enough about them to discipline them and schools too scared to try.  In my past decade and a half of working in middle and high schools I have witnessed similar, or worse behavior scores of times.  The conduct is mostly excused by both the schools and the parents.  Not to worry though if we deny it is happening and ignore it I am sure it will go away.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, June 4, 2012

This is the way progressives are!

This morning on Morning Joe they had this babe from England, and some young idiot who just got his little book published.  They were both discussing how worthless and out of date our constitution is.  They are of the opinion it should be trashed or updated.  Obviously neither has a clue of our nations great historical past.  Their minds reside in this fantasy world of liberal Utopian-ism.  This is why liberals who run schools refuse to teach history and opt instead for social studies.  Social Studies is an exercise of I'm OK your OK philosophies.  According to them the U.S. is no greater than China, Russia, Iran, Vietnam, or any other tyrannical nation.  We are all OK. Note:  This is probably why people around the world risk life and limb to make their way to the U.S. (WE ARE ALL THE SAME). The young punk was quoting some despot who claimed that if she was forming a nation today she would not use the U.S. Constitution as a model.  Of course not because when the constitution is followed  people retain the power, not the dictators.  He pointed out that 20 years ago, 20% of the worlds nations wrote their constitutions based on our constitution.  Today hardly any say they would copy it. He also stated that our founding fathers were drunk when they wrote it.  The question is would anyone listen to this liberal jackass, or read his book.  The sad answer is yes the clueless progressives will.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, May 24, 2012

One of the many reasons education is failing.

Our students rank 23rd world wide in education.  Our students rank number one world wide in self esteem. A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This is what Marxist do.

Marxist slowly take control of every aspect of peoples lives.  Eventually the people become slaves as they cannot survive without big government permission.  Chase Bank lost 2 billion dollars.  Now we need stronger regulations to prevent this.  More government control over us.  The U.S. Government loses this much money every few days from waste, fraud, and abuse in the medicare, medicaid, and food stamp programs.  Who needs more regulation?

A. C. Smithson

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Who is funnier?

Fox News is asking who was funnier at the recent White House Correspondents Dinner. Jimmy Kimmel or Barrack H. Milhouse Obama.  Question, who cares?  Tough choice, a not so funny comedian, liberal, elitist, pompous arse, or a moderately funny Marxist who wishes to fundamentally change our great republic.  A nation who our forefathers with the blessings of God gave us. Obama is a clear failure as president however, he might be more successful as "Barry the comedian."
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Your gift to GOD

Talent is a gift that GOD gives to you.  What you do with it is the gift you give to GOD.
Unknown Author
A. C. Smithson

Friday, April 20, 2012


Liberalism MAYK you STOOPID.
A. C. Smithson

Little time

Postings are currently sporatic.  Never fear.  Soon I will retire and have more time to write.  Thanks.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, April 6, 2012

Correction On percentages

You hear the cry of the Occupy Wall Street Crowd, 99% verses the 1%. The percentages are incorrect. The accurate number is 47% verses 53 %. The 43 % of takers that pay no federal income tax, against the 53 % who are still working and picking up the tab.

A. C. Smithson


Check out the "You may be an Obama supporter if...." posted May 2009 on this blog.

A. C. Smithson



No animals were killed or injured

during the posting of this blog.

A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Obama the Constitutional Lawyer

Obama, former president of the Harvard Law Review, and teacher of constitutional law at University of Chicago is again trying to trick the average democrat. His recent remarks directed to SCOTUS was obviously an attempt to trick the dumbest of our citizens. People who may or will vote for him again. Obama was whining that the court might overturn a law that was passed by congress. Obama during his illustrious legal career evidently did not learn about Marbury vs Madison. This case established what is known as judicial review. Laws passed may be reviewed to determine whether they are in compliance with the supreme law of the land, the United States Constitution. This has been the case since 1803. This constitutional scholar, POTUS, is in fact a court jester.

A. C. Smithson

Monday, April 2, 2012

Liberal Education

You might on occasion wonder how we get so many ill-educated citizens turned lose on society. People who know nothing about nothing. People who don't understand our constitution, or what made this nation great. People who are willing to surrender their future to an all powerful central government. This to spite the fact it has never worked out. Absolute power corrupts absolutely as demonstrated by Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Idi Amim, Castro, Qaddafi, Kim Jong-il. Let's try it again I am sure it will work out this time. How do we get such gullible people?

Answer, we sent them to college. They are taught by people like this creature of nature, Oregon University professor Kari Norgaard. She claims that climate change skeptics are diseased, and need treatment. She compares global warming skepticism to racism. Professor Norgaard argues that "cultural resistance" to accepting human beings as being responsible for global warming "must be recognized and treated" as an aberrant sociological behavior.

Recently in London Kari attended the "Planet under Pressure" conference. The scientist (not scientist, but instead political operatives, as there is no science involved in the religion of man-made global warming) put out a statement calling for humans to be packed into denser cities so that the rest of the planet can be surrendered to mother nature. I guess we are not part of nature.

Now Kari enjoys hiking, kayaking, camping, sleeping on the ground, and just being out enjoying nature. See how libs think. It's perfectly fine for her to enjoy nature because she has the proper understanding, and regard for mother nature. The rest of us need to keep out. Kari is the type of lunatic that masquerades as an educator.

I have visited the great northwest on a number of occasions, and never accepted the claim of Sasquatch until I saw this picture of Kari. I must tell you that I am now reconsidering my position on the matter.

A. C. Smithson

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Public education

The past decade I have worked as a sign language interpreter for the deaf. I have been able to witness the education process up close. I plan to write about my observations in detail at a future date.
This morning a seventh grade girl asked a question. The response pointed to another of the reasons why our children are not receiving a quality education in the public school systems.
The girl asked why do we have to pay for our lunches? Most don't, but obviously on at least one occasion this girl did. The response was it depends on the families income and how many children they have. Responses are required to be politically correct, not correct. Every time there is a politically correct response it will take precedence over a truthful response. The girl should have been asked who would she like to have pay for her breakfast and lunch. There is no free lunch, someone must pay for it. Few things in life are free. Perhaps it could be explained that the reason government provides these incentives is to make the citizen dependent. End result less liberty for the individual. If we were to explain things to children possibly when they finish school they would have a quality educated.
A. C. Smithson

Recently observed bumper sticker

"Somewhere in Kenya a village is missing their idiot." anon.
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Where's the outcry?

Trayvon Martin, 17 years old, has been on the news wall to wall for the past 48 hours. He was shot and killed while assaulting a man, according to the latest news stories. Martin had the free time to get into trouble, as he was suspended from school, for marijuana possession. Lib's who see nothing but color, when they look at people, have been coming to his defense demanding the head of his killer. They want the killers head whether he is innocent or not. All the usual suspects are involved including Chuckie Schumer (D-Commie) New York. He is pushing gun control as all good tyrants do.
Now to my question: Where's the outcry?
Mississippi State University student John Sanderson, 21 years old, was shot to death outside his dorm room. Sanderson is white. His murders were three black men. Two are in custody and a third, Trent Deundra Crump, is being searched for. There is no outcry for justice!
Where is the outrage that a young man was murdered?
Where is the hate crime? Black on white.
Where is the parade of angry race baiters?
Where is the racial profiling?
Where is the turmoil in Washington D.C.
Where is the phone call from Obama?
Where are the black Caucasians from the House of Representatives?
Where are the hate mongering black Panthers?
Where is the reward for the outstanding murderer?
Where are the news reporters with their mindless innuendos?
Where is Jesse Jackson?
Where is Al Sharpton?
In the terms that libs can understand, where is the fairness?
A. C. Smithson

Friday, March 23, 2012

Correcting for Obama

Obama is going around the country with the same old Marxist claim. This tired language is a result of liberal guilt. Guilt enters into almost everything that libs believe in. Here is the claim. "We produce only 2 % of the worlds energy, but we use 20% of the world's resources." We are stingy, selfish, and the rest of the world suffers because of our greed. Not true of course. The fact is we produce 15 % of the worlds energy and we would produce a lot more is we drilled on federal lands, in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, on our shores and oceans. Truth is we have no idea of the amount of energy we have. One thing for sure it is a hell of a lot. We are just not allowed to drill for it. Concerning ANWAR, remember these nuts that said the Alaskan Pipeline would destroy the Caribou Herds. Instead they grew at a rapid rate, and hung out next to it because of the warmth put out by the heated pipeline. Remember. You can't believe or trust these people about anything.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pay Attention!

The government tells you it can deal with and resolve all of your problems and concerns. Trust in an all powerful, all knowing, all encompassing government, and everything will be fine. It can select for you the kind of car to drive, and which light bulb to use. It can clean the air you breath, and the water you drink. It can stop the seasonal melting of the polar caps. It can protect you from radon gas, and global warming. It can stop gun violence. It can pick your food, and design your exercise plan. It can fix your heart problems, your lung problems, satisfy your health care and prescription needs. It will stop people from smoking cigarettes, and dope. It can provide you an education , and can stop bullying both in person and on-line. It can make your plane rides safe. If your lose your job it can pay you. When you become old it can pay you. It can make life fair for all. It can protect you from needing an identification card in order to vote. It can lower the sea levels. I could continue for a week listing what government claims it can do for you. Yes it can do everything for you. Bush/Cheney could have done something to lower gas prices according to democrats. Obama can't according to the press, and the White House. The last fifty years the government promised it would solve all of our problems. Guess what the same problems still exist. If you can't trust them to lower your gas cost can you truly trust them with any of these things that they promised?
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, March 15, 2012

High Gas Prices

Now when I tell you this you will say he was probably kidding. He wasn't, don't doubt me! If you do look it up yourself and you will see he was serious, very serious. This is the kind of la la land that libs live in. In 2008 Obama said that if you air up your tires and get a tune up you will have more gas that you would if you drilled for it. OK, he was either lying, or he is totally stupid. I vote for both.

A. C. Smithson

Friday, March 9, 2012

Attention all Hispanics

Calm down. I don't think the ad Council and the Department of Health and Human Services really thinks you are a bunch of ignorant savages. They say they want you more involved in your health care. I guess you haven't been. They tell you what questions to ask your doctor because you don't know, and apparently your doctor doesn't know what to tell you. They believe that you tend to seek medical treatment advice from friends, co-workers and even casual acquaintances rather than going to a doctor unless you are very sick. Some of you don't ask your doctor questions out of respect, or because you feel intimidated or embarrassed. You have a higher rate of uninsurance and you lack the ability to communicate effectively with health care professionals, according to the HHS propaganda sheet. A full 47 % of you did not see a doctor in 2008 and that includes 37% of you with insurance. When your doctor gives you instructions and you don't know what he said you are suppose to speak up according to the ad Council and HHS. You are timid when dealing with medical professionals and this service will empower you to speak up. They don't really think you are stupid, and can't read English ( The information "Conozca las preguntas" is however, in Spanish). What they really are trying to tell you is you need them, the government, to take care of you from cradle to grave. Are you offended? The Hispanics in my family are.
A. C. Smithson
Update: 3/12/12, the federal government now believes that Hispanics don't have drivers licenses, nor do they have the intelligence and wherewithal to get a free identification card. They really don't have a very high opinion of Hispanics. You need an ID to get on a plane. You need an ID to buy cigarettes or alcohol. You need an ID for a number of different activities in society. There is only one reason a person has to oppose requiring an ID to vote. That reason is to participate in voter fraud.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Question? What do all of our indicted, arrested, or soon to be arrested local politicians have in common? Same government sub-division? No. We have representatives from school districts, Socorro City government, El Paso City government, and El Paso County government. We have Sunland Park government etc., etc.. Is it their sex? No. Both male and female are represented, and most are probably having sex. Is it their age? Nope we have both young and old. What is it then? THEY ARE ALL DEMOCRATS!
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The modern democrat

What characteristics are required of the modern day democrat? He/She must be gullible, poorly informed, ill-educated, and lazy. One must lack any and all self respect. They must be needy and dependent. Democrats are willing to trade their freedoms to an all powerful government in order to get a handout. These dregs believe the government has money, and they do not understand, or do not care that every dollar the government hands out is first confiscated from a fellow citizen. They cannot be too bright otherwise they could figure out what is happening to them. They understand their illogical babble cannot stand up to truth and common sense, so they attempt to silence any person with an opposing viewpoint. A modern democrat must be perfectly willing to have their neighbors pick up the tab for them. They are generally racist and hateful. Not very decent people.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mind your own business

I wish the do gooder, smarter than thou elitist would mind their own business. They think they know better than us what we should eat. Truth be told these people, as a general rule, are the dumbest among us. They are so clueless that they are incapable of recognizing this fact therefore, they continue to try and tell us what to do. I bought some cereal this morning, and the only milk available was near milk, or breast milk, of which I was able to see through. You eat what you want you elitist smart people and I will do the same.
A. C. Smithson
Check out "Sign of Our Times" web site. Article by Dr. Dwight Lunden and see what I mean about how little these group thinkers know.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Walmart's treatment of customers

Wal-mart continues to treat it's customers like cattle. Customers are forced to stand around in lines as Wal-mart refuses to open the necessary lanes to properly service it's customers. I am speaking specifically of the store at 1850 N. Zaragoza. I have brought this to their attention several times before, but all they do is apologize. They refuse to fix the problem. In addition to their not being enough lanes open my cashier moved super slow today. I believe she wanted to go undetected, and she did not want her motion to give her position away. She may have been trying to conserve energy. I knew you would not believe how slow she moved so I took a picture of her to prove it.

A. C. Smithson

Monday, February 27, 2012

What do you do with your money?

When asked what he did with his money W.C. Fields replied: I spent half of my money on booze, fast women, and gambling... the other half I wasted.

A.C. Smithson

Sunday, February 26, 2012

How's the economy?

The government controlled mainstream media say the economy is roaring back. Look around. Have you seen the increase of vehicles on the roads with New Mexico, Chihuahua, and paper plates. Citizens lying to save a buck and push the cost off on their fellow citizens. The economy is in trouble and this is just one little example. There are thousands more. Don't doubt me.
A. C. Smithson

So the rich need to pay more?

If people like Warren Buffet want to pay more taxes they can. We don't need to change the tax rate. They simply have to write a check to the U.S. Treasury and it's done. These people are not being honest with the citizens of this country. Buffet says he pays less taxes than his secretary. He pays 15% capital gains tax, and she pays 28% income tax. Apples and oranges. Before you feel sorry for his destitute secretary consider she undoubtedly earns more than $100,000 a year and probably more like $200,000. She should be able to get by. He likely struggles by on $15,000,000 a year and pays 15% on that. After deductions she may pay as much as $20,000 if her tax preparer is not very good. Buffet would pay $2.5,000,000. Now understand this money was previously taxed as income a first time. Unless Buffet was avoiding his fair share the first time he would have paid $4.2,000,000 the first time around. Don't fall for these lies think before you leap. Forty-Seven percent of Americans pay no federal income tax. Is that fair? This class warfare is despicable pitting citizen against citizen. Divide and conquer. Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it.
A. C. Smithson

Rising cost of gas.

Gas is up and going higher. People are still confused about it. I am here to make it clear even for the most bewildered and confused. Turmoil in the mid-east is part of the increased cost. Global demand (mainly China) is up so the cost rises slightly. Normal fluctuation in the market, and least of all the 2 cent profit of each gallon that the greedy oil companies steal from us. Yes, these and a few other factors contribute to the overall cost. Over 100 different blends of gas are mandated by the government. The most recent estimate is that this adds $1.00 more to each gallon of gas. Consider the federal, state, and local taxes added to each gallon. The tax per gallon local, state, and federal is 48.1 cents. If the evil oil companies with two cents a gallon are thieves what does that make the government. Well you know. Our government's war on the nation's energy industries is the main cause of this un-holy increase. I predicted in 2009 that gas cost would be this high. I said it was because of liberal policies. Now riddle me this. How could I have known anything other than what the liberal policies would be way back then?

A.C. Smithson