Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Happened?

Why would Islamist attack our embassies in Egypt and Libya especially since our dear leader has apologized to them and asked them to be our friends.  He has embraced them and shunned Israel.
Why did the Egyptian embassy issue an apology for them attacking us?  They did it because they believed this is what our dear leader would want.
Now as to why it happened.  Pure and simple the terrorist know our dear leader is weak.  He will do nothing but talk.  He and his administration are appeasers and apologist.  It's that simple.  Now as to the Arab Street.  They brag that they have a civilization thousands of years older than ours.  I am not sure as they do not appear to be civilized at all to me.  But it was only a few bad apples not all of them.  The majority that stands by and gives tacit approval are just as guilty as the terrorist.
A.C. Smithson

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