Friday, September 7, 2012

Remember this Photo

When Obama was discussing weakening our missile systems with Russia. " I will inform Vladamir" that you will have more latitude after your next election when you are no longer accountable.  Remember?  Yesterday Vladimir endorsed Obama.  He is someone we can trust, a good man we can work with.  Translation- He is weak, he is a foreign policy armature and an idiot.  We can take advantage of him if need be.  We may not have to as we share many similar beliefs of how government should work.  In his speech at the DNC Obama said Russia is not our enemy.  Of course they are.  Our very existence threatens them by having freedom on display.  People of the world see what freedom brings.  They oppose us on every front as does China.  They opposed us in Vietnam, Syria, Pakistan, N. Korea, Iraq, Iran, Lybia, the U.N., need I go on?  We are their natural enemies. If our (America's) natural enemy endorses a candidate for U.S. President what is their goal?  Think about it!
A. C. Smithson

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