Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vote for revenge?

I agree with Obama. Vote for revenge.
Vote for revenge against the person who put your children and grandchildren in debt for their entire lives.
Vote for revenge against the person who passed a health care law which will destroy our great health care system.
Vote for revenge against the person who gave guns to Mexican drug cartels who in turn killed over 200 Mexican Citizens.  Including teenagers at a birthday party.
Vote for revenge against the person who left fellow citizens alone to be murdered in Libya.
Vote against the person who gave the stimulus money to his political supporters to buy votes instead of building an infrastructure in the Northeast which could have withstood Hurricane Sandy.
Vote for revenge against the person who has destroyed jobs in America.
Vote for revenge against the person who apologizes for America to a bunch of terrorist.
Vote for revenge against the person who is trying to steal your rights and make you subject's of the state.
Vote for revenge against the person who played the race care against Hillary Clinton.
Vote for revenge against the person who will not allow gas exportation and caused prices to double.
Vote against the person who has vowed to put the coal business, out of business, doubling the future price of electricity.
Vote for revenge against the person who is destroying our military putting our security in jeopardy.
Vote against the person who claims to be moving forward, but is in fact only implementing the old policies of the progressive party from 1917.
Vote for revenge against a liar who sends out a convicted liar, Bill Clinton, to lie for him.
Vote for revenge against the person who on a daily basis lies to you about these issues.
Vote for revenge against the person who takes advantage of the weak minded people who constitute the democrat party.
Vote for revenge against the Marxist community organizer, Barrack Hussein Obama!
A. C. Smithson

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