Saturday, March 3, 2012

Walmart's treatment of customers

Wal-mart continues to treat it's customers like cattle. Customers are forced to stand around in lines as Wal-mart refuses to open the necessary lanes to properly service it's customers. I am speaking specifically of the store at 1850 N. Zaragoza. I have brought this to their attention several times before, but all they do is apologize. They refuse to fix the problem. In addition to their not being enough lanes open my cashier moved super slow today. I believe she wanted to go undetected, and she did not want her motion to give her position away. She may have been trying to conserve energy. I knew you would not believe how slow she moved so I took a picture of her to prove it.

A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. Not only are the cashiers slow, many of them do not speak English and have to get someone else to help out if asked a question in English. Sam Walton should be turning in his grave. He was big on "buy American". I guess "hire American" got lost in the translation
