Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The modern democrat

What characteristics are required of the modern day democrat? He/She must be gullible, poorly informed, ill-educated, and lazy. One must lack any and all self respect. They must be needy and dependent. Democrats are willing to trade their freedoms to an all powerful government in order to get a handout. These dregs believe the government has money, and they do not understand, or do not care that every dollar the government hands out is first confiscated from a fellow citizen. They cannot be too bright otherwise they could figure out what is happening to them. They understand their illogical babble cannot stand up to truth and common sense, so they attempt to silence any person with an opposing viewpoint. A modern democrat must be perfectly willing to have their neighbors pick up the tab for them. They are generally racist and hateful. Not very decent people.
A. C. Smithson

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