Thursday, March 29, 2012

Public education

The past decade I have worked as a sign language interpreter for the deaf. I have been able to witness the education process up close. I plan to write about my observations in detail at a future date.
This morning a seventh grade girl asked a question. The response pointed to another of the reasons why our children are not receiving a quality education in the public school systems.
The girl asked why do we have to pay for our lunches? Most don't, but obviously on at least one occasion this girl did. The response was it depends on the families income and how many children they have. Responses are required to be politically correct, not correct. Every time there is a politically correct response it will take precedence over a truthful response. The girl should have been asked who would she like to have pay for her breakfast and lunch. There is no free lunch, someone must pay for it. Few things in life are free. Perhaps it could be explained that the reason government provides these incentives is to make the citizen dependent. End result less liberty for the individual. If we were to explain things to children possibly when they finish school they would have a quality educated.
A. C. Smithson

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