Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Where's the outcry?

Trayvon Martin, 17 years old, has been on the news wall to wall for the past 48 hours. He was shot and killed while assaulting a man, according to the latest news stories. Martin had the free time to get into trouble, as he was suspended from school, for marijuana possession. Lib's who see nothing but color, when they look at people, have been coming to his defense demanding the head of his killer. They want the killers head whether he is innocent or not. All the usual suspects are involved including Chuckie Schumer (D-Commie) New York. He is pushing gun control as all good tyrants do.
Now to my question: Where's the outcry?
Mississippi State University student John Sanderson, 21 years old, was shot to death outside his dorm room. Sanderson is white. His murders were three black men. Two are in custody and a third, Trent Deundra Crump, is being searched for. There is no outcry for justice!
Where is the outrage that a young man was murdered?
Where is the hate crime? Black on white.
Where is the parade of angry race baiters?
Where is the racial profiling?
Where is the turmoil in Washington D.C.
Where is the phone call from Obama?
Where are the black Caucasians from the House of Representatives?
Where are the hate mongering black Panthers?
Where is the reward for the outstanding murderer?
Where are the news reporters with their mindless innuendos?
Where is Jesse Jackson?
Where is Al Sharpton?
In the terms that libs can understand, where is the fairness?
A. C. Smithson

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