Friday, March 9, 2012

Attention all Hispanics

Calm down. I don't think the ad Council and the Department of Health and Human Services really thinks you are a bunch of ignorant savages. They say they want you more involved in your health care. I guess you haven't been. They tell you what questions to ask your doctor because you don't know, and apparently your doctor doesn't know what to tell you. They believe that you tend to seek medical treatment advice from friends, co-workers and even casual acquaintances rather than going to a doctor unless you are very sick. Some of you don't ask your doctor questions out of respect, or because you feel intimidated or embarrassed. You have a higher rate of uninsurance and you lack the ability to communicate effectively with health care professionals, according to the HHS propaganda sheet. A full 47 % of you did not see a doctor in 2008 and that includes 37% of you with insurance. When your doctor gives you instructions and you don't know what he said you are suppose to speak up according to the ad Council and HHS. You are timid when dealing with medical professionals and this service will empower you to speak up. They don't really think you are stupid, and can't read English ( The information "Conozca las preguntas" is however, in Spanish). What they really are trying to tell you is you need them, the government, to take care of you from cradle to grave. Are you offended? The Hispanics in my family are.
A. C. Smithson
Update: 3/12/12, the federal government now believes that Hispanics don't have drivers licenses, nor do they have the intelligence and wherewithal to get a free identification card. They really don't have a very high opinion of Hispanics. You need an ID to get on a plane. You need an ID to buy cigarettes or alcohol. You need an ID for a number of different activities in society. There is only one reason a person has to oppose requiring an ID to vote. That reason is to participate in voter fraud.
A. C. Smithson

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