Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pay Attention!

The government tells you it can deal with and resolve all of your problems and concerns. Trust in an all powerful, all knowing, all encompassing government, and everything will be fine. It can select for you the kind of car to drive, and which light bulb to use. It can clean the air you breath, and the water you drink. It can stop the seasonal melting of the polar caps. It can protect you from radon gas, and global warming. It can stop gun violence. It can pick your food, and design your exercise plan. It can fix your heart problems, your lung problems, satisfy your health care and prescription needs. It will stop people from smoking cigarettes, and dope. It can provide you an education , and can stop bullying both in person and on-line. It can make your plane rides safe. If your lose your job it can pay you. When you become old it can pay you. It can make life fair for all. It can protect you from needing an identification card in order to vote. It can lower the sea levels. I could continue for a week listing what government claims it can do for you. Yes it can do everything for you. Bush/Cheney could have done something to lower gas prices according to democrats. Obama can't according to the press, and the White House. The last fifty years the government promised it would solve all of our problems. Guess what the same problems still exist. If you can't trust them to lower your gas cost can you truly trust them with any of these things that they promised?
A. C. Smithson

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