Friday, March 23, 2012

Correcting for Obama

Obama is going around the country with the same old Marxist claim. This tired language is a result of liberal guilt. Guilt enters into almost everything that libs believe in. Here is the claim. "We produce only 2 % of the worlds energy, but we use 20% of the world's resources." We are stingy, selfish, and the rest of the world suffers because of our greed. Not true of course. The fact is we produce 15 % of the worlds energy and we would produce a lot more is we drilled on federal lands, in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, on our shores and oceans. Truth is we have no idea of the amount of energy we have. One thing for sure it is a hell of a lot. We are just not allowed to drill for it. Concerning ANWAR, remember these nuts that said the Alaskan Pipeline would destroy the Caribou Herds. Instead they grew at a rapid rate, and hung out next to it because of the warmth put out by the heated pipeline. Remember. You can't believe or trust these people about anything.
A. C. Smithson

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