Monday, April 2, 2012

Liberal Education

You might on occasion wonder how we get so many ill-educated citizens turned lose on society. People who know nothing about nothing. People who don't understand our constitution, or what made this nation great. People who are willing to surrender their future to an all powerful central government. This to spite the fact it has never worked out. Absolute power corrupts absolutely as demonstrated by Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Idi Amim, Castro, Qaddafi, Kim Jong-il. Let's try it again I am sure it will work out this time. How do we get such gullible people?

Answer, we sent them to college. They are taught by people like this creature of nature, Oregon University professor Kari Norgaard. She claims that climate change skeptics are diseased, and need treatment. She compares global warming skepticism to racism. Professor Norgaard argues that "cultural resistance" to accepting human beings as being responsible for global warming "must be recognized and treated" as an aberrant sociological behavior.

Recently in London Kari attended the "Planet under Pressure" conference. The scientist (not scientist, but instead political operatives, as there is no science involved in the religion of man-made global warming) put out a statement calling for humans to be packed into denser cities so that the rest of the planet can be surrendered to mother nature. I guess we are not part of nature.

Now Kari enjoys hiking, kayaking, camping, sleeping on the ground, and just being out enjoying nature. See how libs think. It's perfectly fine for her to enjoy nature because she has the proper understanding, and regard for mother nature. The rest of us need to keep out. Kari is the type of lunatic that masquerades as an educator.

I have visited the great northwest on a number of occasions, and never accepted the claim of Sasquatch until I saw this picture of Kari. I must tell you that I am now reconsidering my position on the matter.

A. C. Smithson

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