Monday, June 4, 2012

This is the way progressives are!

This morning on Morning Joe they had this babe from England, and some young idiot who just got his little book published.  They were both discussing how worthless and out of date our constitution is.  They are of the opinion it should be trashed or updated.  Obviously neither has a clue of our nations great historical past.  Their minds reside in this fantasy world of liberal Utopian-ism.  This is why liberals who run schools refuse to teach history and opt instead for social studies.  Social Studies is an exercise of I'm OK your OK philosophies.  According to them the U.S. is no greater than China, Russia, Iran, Vietnam, or any other tyrannical nation.  We are all OK. Note:  This is probably why people around the world risk life and limb to make their way to the U.S. (WE ARE ALL THE SAME). The young punk was quoting some despot who claimed that if she was forming a nation today she would not use the U.S. Constitution as a model.  Of course not because when the constitution is followed  people retain the power, not the dictators.  He pointed out that 20 years ago, 20% of the worlds nations wrote their constitutions based on our constitution.  Today hardly any say they would copy it. He also stated that our founding fathers were drunk when they wrote it.  The question is would anyone listen to this liberal jackass, or read his book.  The sad answer is yes the clueless progressives will.
A. C. Smithson

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