Sunday, June 24, 2012

The actions of the teenagers who conducted the profanity-laced battery of slurs against bus montior Karen Klein is not an unusual occurance.  The parent of one of these miscreants was quoted as saying that he is sure they have learned their lesson.  Yea, that is likely.  These angels from Greece, New York are dead inside.  Typical among this age group of undisciplined losers is their lack of fear.  They conduct themselves in this manner because they can.  Parents who do not care enough about them to discipline them and schools too scared to try.  In my past decade and a half of working in middle and high schools I have witnessed similar, or worse behavior scores of times.  The conduct is mostly excused by both the schools and the parents.  Not to worry though if we deny it is happening and ignore it I am sure it will go away.
A. C. Smithson

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