Sunday, October 7, 2012


Are you as tired as I am of liberals/progressives insulting your intelligence?  They are always empowering you or increasing your awareness about something.  Hispanics don't know what to say to their doctors without a commercial from Health and Human Services telling them how.  Inter city dwellers can't figure out how to get to and from their work and need help according to Obama.  Hispanics and blacks have no clue how to obtain a photo ID (free) in order to vote.  Parents do not know how to talk to their children about sex without government assistance.  Mothers have no clue how to stop their daughters from texting too much without  Fathers watching television with their sons will accidentally  expose their child to porn without commonsense. org.  telling them how to work the television.  Citizens cannot find polling places without being collected and driven by bus.  You can't figure out what to eat without government instruction.  Parents can't feed their children without free school breakfast and lunch.  People cannot figure out that smoking is bad for your health unless the surgeon general informs them.  Drugs both illicit and prescription (when abused) are detrimental to your health.  Some people have cancer, Alzheimer's, autism, heart problems, depression, diabetes, etc., and you would not know this if some agency or government body did not inform you.  We are treated like brain dead zombies in the attempt to convince you that you are incapable of doing anything for yourself.  Some agency or the government must be there to help you with everything.
A. C. Smithson

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