Sunday, February 26, 2012

So the rich need to pay more?

If people like Warren Buffet want to pay more taxes they can. We don't need to change the tax rate. They simply have to write a check to the U.S. Treasury and it's done. These people are not being honest with the citizens of this country. Buffet says he pays less taxes than his secretary. He pays 15% capital gains tax, and she pays 28% income tax. Apples and oranges. Before you feel sorry for his destitute secretary consider she undoubtedly earns more than $100,000 a year and probably more like $200,000. She should be able to get by. He likely struggles by on $15,000,000 a year and pays 15% on that. After deductions she may pay as much as $20,000 if her tax preparer is not very good. Buffet would pay $2.5,000,000. Now understand this money was previously taxed as income a first time. Unless Buffet was avoiding his fair share the first time he would have paid $4.2,000,000 the first time around. Don't fall for these lies think before you leap. Forty-Seven percent of Americans pay no federal income tax. Is that fair? This class warfare is despicable pitting citizen against citizen. Divide and conquer. Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it.
A. C. Smithson

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