Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rising cost of gas.

Gas is up and going higher. People are still confused about it. I am here to make it clear even for the most bewildered and confused. Turmoil in the mid-east is part of the increased cost. Global demand (mainly China) is up so the cost rises slightly. Normal fluctuation in the market, and least of all the 2 cent profit of each gallon that the greedy oil companies steal from us. Yes, these and a few other factors contribute to the overall cost. Over 100 different blends of gas are mandated by the government. The most recent estimate is that this adds $1.00 more to each gallon of gas. Consider the federal, state, and local taxes added to each gallon. The tax per gallon local, state, and federal is 48.1 cents. If the evil oil companies with two cents a gallon are thieves what does that make the government. Well you know. Our government's war on the nation's energy industries is the main cause of this un-holy increase. I predicted in 2009 that gas cost would be this high. I said it was because of liberal policies. Now riddle me this. How could I have known anything other than what the liberal policies would be way back then?

A.C. Smithson

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