Sunday, December 29, 2013

Is it Fair?

Is it fair that I am better looking than you.  The person down the street is smarter than you.  You want to be taller.  You want to be thinner.  You were born poor.  You were born rich, but your parents didn't give you enough attention.  You have a seriously ill child.  You or a family member suffers a disability.  Your friend makes more money at his job than you do at yours. You got arrested when your friend got away.  You don't like your new tattoo.  Your girlfriend left you for someone else.  Your father abandoned the family when you were little.  Your father died when you were very young.  While growing up your friends always had more than you.  The neighbors have a nicer car than you.  You are not the athlete you wanted to be.  Get the message life is not fair.  Too bad so sad.  That is the way it is.
 Now if a politician tells you he can make it fair consider this:  Obama wasted 1 trillion dollars on shovel ready jobs and then laughed remarking there weren't really that many shovel ready jobs.  He just wasted your money in kickbacks to his supporters.  He said he would unite not  divide.  He would close Gitmo.  He would be ethical and transparent.  He would represent all Americans.  He lied about fast and furious.  He lied about Benghazi and then lied to cover it.  He lied about NSA spying.  He lied about Syria.  When he tells you he is working hard every day to make your life fair he is lying.  He lied about the IRS.  He lied about Obamacare and how it would reduce your cost by $2,500.00 a year, and that you could keep your policy and your doctor.  He will shortly be giving the insurance companies a bailout.  He said no more bailouts.  These are just a few of a politicians lies.
 Now liberals (Marxist socialist) utilize the tactic of dividing people in order to accomplish their goals.  Is it fair that that person has so much more than you?  He is just a winner in life's lottery. You should feel jealous and envious of his possessions.  When a politician  tells you he can make life fair for you he is lying.  If the politician is a serial liar similar to Obama there should be little doubt it is a lie.  Bottom line "life is not fair. " Not to say you can't change the circumstances of your life, but someone else can't do it for you.  If you develop the skills necessary to make yourself marketable you can improve your lot in life.  If you work hard and apply yourself you can change your circumstances.  If you don't like your lot in life it is up to you and nobody else to fix it. If you believe a government stealing from one person giving a handout to you will solve unfairness you are in for a sad life.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Crack Dealers

This past week obama commuted the sentences of a number of crack cocaine dealers.  He must need more navigators for his obamacare!
A. C. Smithson

Monday, December 16, 2013

NFL Sleaze bags

The NFL denied Rush Limbaugh the ownership of an NFL team because they don't like his politics.  They have judged him unworthy.  They will however hire Snoop Dog to introduce the teams on Sunday Night Football.  Now understand Limbaugh is out because he is a conservative.  Snoop is in even though he is a self described Gangsta, dope smoking, porn producing (porn movies), rap artist.  He is one of the super star rappers who calls women whores and bitches.  Go figure.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Randi Weingarten, President of American Federation of Teachers, was interviewed on TV a couple of days ago.  She explained the reason we can't educate kids nowadays is because of poverty.  I guess if you are poor you are too stupid to learn.  When I went to elementary school I was poor.  I was so poor that on occasion after visiting a friend in the Kennedy Projects, El Paso, TX.,  I made this wish.  I  wished that one day I might be able to live in such a nice place.  Ninety-five percent of the kids in my school were poor.  Many started out in first grade speaking Spanish.  By second grade they had learned English.  Surprisingly 99.999 % successfully obtained an education.  Both poverty and English as a second language are frequently used as excuses for failing to get an education nowadays.  The real reason why schools fail is that there is no longer any personal responsibility, or accountability standards.  Liberalism has afforded these young miscreants excuse after excuse for failure.  The same moronic liberal policies from school boards, politicians, administrators, parents, and lawyers, have wrecked the system.  A six year old  boy was suspended from a school in Canon City, Colorado for sexual harassment after kissing the hand of a little girl.  You have idiots like this running schools.  How the hell can the youths get an education under these circumstances.  A couple of days ago  I was visiting with a merchant near Hanks High School.  He told me that he had just run off two kids at lunch time who were having sex in the entry way of his business.  No wonder they can't focus on school work they are not having a proper lunch.  Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad.  Two positive points come to mind.  1) The couple having sex was a male and a female couple, not two boys or two girls.  2) The shopping center houses a WIC office so once the girl becomes pregnant she can access taxpayer funded handouts without much difficulty.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, December 9, 2013

Something to consider!

Thomas Sowell, scholar, author, brilliant thinker, tells us: "No society ever thrived because it had a large and growing class of parasites living off those who produce."  Now if you doubt many with their hands out are parasites check out who is going into your food stamp, welfare, and WIC, offices.  You will find them to be young, healthy, lazy, and shiftless parasites.
A.C. Smithson

Liberals are nuts.

The Daily Caller on 12/8/2013 has a story indicating "Liberals want men to stop checking out women.  The "objectifying gaze" should stop, science says so.  MSNBC can use this story when they report on the "rape culture" of which they have put forward.  These nuts are going against human nature.  I guess we should put women in burkas.  Ugly women know who the are and may elect not to wear them.  Attractive women know who they are and should possibly elect to wear a burka.  Maybe instead of women telling men not to stare at their breast men could tell women to have their breast stop staring at men's eyes. Are liberals nuts or not, you decide.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Message to NSA/Obama

NSA tell Obama I said this:  If Obama wants a third world communal society why doesn't he just relocate.  He could move to Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, or even Kenya.  Yea, Kenya would match his cultural inclinations, and leftest tendencies, more closely.  Leave the greatest nation on the face of the earth alone.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sign of the Times

I have written a number of times regarding the bullying hysteria infecting our nation.  Now in a perfect world people should treat one other in a respectful, decent manner.  This is not a perfect world nor will it ever be.  Suicide is the end result of a mental illness not bullying.
When I was a young whippersnapper coming up I was frequently the target of what we today call bullies.  I just called them assholes.  I a white boy attended a predominately hispanic school.  I was cursed, spit on, hit, kicked, excluded from playing all the reindeer games, yet I did not kill myself.  In high school I was assaulted and chased by knife welding classmates.  I have had rocks thrown at me and cursed at because of my race.  I still did not kill myself.
Think people we are not delicate wilting flowers.  We and our children are resilient.
For me the straw that broke the camels back is this victim from the Miami Dolphins Football team.  Damn!  He is suppose to be a man.  College educated, football player all his life, big strong man, yet still a whining  crybaby.  He is not right in the head.  A week before he broke down his tormentor, Incognito, was his best friend.  Now I hear on the radio one of our city council members, El Paso, Texas claims to be a victim of bullying at the hand of another council member.  This victim is a city leader.  I had hoped for a little tougher leadership.

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Democrat Parties new Symbol

Symbol of the Democrat Socialist Party of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Alan Grayson D-FL.  This is in response to Alan Grayson's  burning cross in his attack on the Tea Party.  I am not a Tea Party member.  From what I know the American Democrat Socialist Party is closer to the National Socialist Party of 1930's and 1940's Germany than the Tea Party is being a racist organization.

Monday, October 21, 2013


This morning I checked the unaffordable healthcare website.  My insurance premium goes up $350.00 a month.  The out of pocket is $6,000.00.  Now if you are a pregnant female with five children from five different men, we got you covered.  We will pay 100% of your cost.  If you are a lazy bum collecting welfare no sweat we will take care of you.  If you are a working citizen, contributing to society, you are screwed.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Here we go again making everyone weak, defenseless, victims.  One of many approaches used to make people into devastated, dependent, soft, little babies.  From the ADVOCATE magazine, the publication of the Texas State Teachers Association/National Education Association comes the work place bully.  Their stats are as follows: Three of four bullies are bosses.  One in five is within the same employee group, e.g., both are teachers.  Some bullies have lesser status in the work environment than the victim (what the hell is happening is the school cafeteria worker telling the teacher that she is fat)?  One in three is male-to-male.  One in four is male-to female.  A whopping three of four is female-to-female (I told you girls are mean).  The types of bullies are: the generalissimo who controls every behavior and every action.  the two headed hydra who presents a friendly face to the public and another, less friendly face, to employees.  the medusa, who strikes fear into everyone. the nitpicker who picks everything apart.  the gatekeeper who controls resources (paper, desk textbooks, technology, etc.  When I was in the education field we had a principal who fit all the bully types.  She was disinterested in the children and totally focused on self promotion.  She cheated on state standards and treated employees good or bad depending on whether or not they were willing to brown nosed her.  I pointed out numerous times to other employees that this tyrant fit one to six of the listed identifiers on the various bully posters hanging around the school.   All that said I have a question.  Are you TSTA/NEA members educated adults or little victim babies.  Our medusa was not broadly enlightened and I challenged her.  She quickly got the message I was not one to bother with, too much trouble.  She left me alone and I left her alone.  That is what you do with bullies you stand up to them.  Now if you have become such a victim that you can't stand up for yourself, have no fear, the bully will eventually be promoted to a higher position in the education field.  They all rise to their level of incompetence eventually. 
He or she will then be able to exert more influence over more people.  Problem solved.  P.S. I wasn't the only one that stood up to medusa.  You others know who you are.  Especially the one female teacher.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, October 18, 2013

Damn Tea Party

Yo, low information citizens.  You hate the Tea Party as you are suppose to.  You just don't know why.  Let me lay out their principals and perhaps it can help you understand why you hate them.
1.  They are for individual Liberty
2.  They are for limited government as our founding fathers were when they set up the republic.
3.  They are for economic freedom.
4.  They are for protecting the Constitution.
5.  They reject Cap and Trade (being taxed to save planet from non-existent man made global warming.)
6 .  They demand a balanced budget.
7.   They want the enactment of fundamental tax reform.
8.   They are for restoring fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited government in Washington.
9.   End runaway government spending.
10. Defund, repeal, and replace government run health care. (I am against them on this don't replace it.  Not a legitimate federal government function.)
11. Pass all of the above energy policy.
12. Stop the pork spending.
13. Stop the tax hikes.

It is no wonder you hate these bastards.  It's easy to see how unreasonable they are.
A.C. Smithson

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

More big government

The government is now telling you must breast feed or you are a bad person.  Well it may not work for everyone.  Should not it be a decision between the woman and her doctor.  The government says it is economical.  It is the perfect temperature.  Every day of breast feeding is a day of good health for both baby and mother.  If that is the case I suggest breast feeding to at least the age of 65.  That will guarantee a long healthy life.  Texas says this is the reason why it has made breast feeding in public a legal right.  I got no problem with that as long as they don't have a problem with me staring.
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


If the unaffordable care act is shoved down our throats it won't be long before we are paying 70% of our earnings in taxes.  Democrats only know three things tax, spend, and waste tax dollars.  Between sales tax, city tax, county tax, hospital tax, gas tax, school tax, college tax, registration tax, inspection sticker tax, property tax, tax on phone bills, electric bills, garbage pickup, water bills, and unaffordable health care, it is easy to see 70% of our incomes going to government in two to three years.  All while incomes are not only stagnant but less than they were in 1989.  Thanks tax and spend politicians of both parties but especially you democrats.  Citizens is this the life you want for yourselves and your children?

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The two enemies of liberalism are hard work and self reliance. A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's hitting home soon it will contact you!

NSA please pass this on to our Marxist socialist government.  My son who teaches at a college was advised yesterday that due to Obamacare next year his work hours are likely to be cut in half.  Thanks to all you commie bastards.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, August 19, 2013

Liberal Democrats are wrong about everything, here is the proof.

Jerry Brown (Governor Moon Beam) and the other democrats are continuing their mission of destroying the Great State of California (at least what is left of it).  They recently passed a law which allows individuals to join with whichever sex they feel more comfortable.  Now ever since the age of nine when I first noticed how cool girls were I would pick to be with them.  Same wrestling team, restrooms, and showers.  If an male individual makes the claim that girls make him more comfortable they can't be challenged, or questioned about their choice.  Don't know how comfortable that will make the girls feel.  In their effort to create a utopia on earth they try to accommodate every perverse activity on earth.  Instead of treating and curing these perversions they accommodate them.  As with everything else they believe in they are wrong again.  Democrats continue to be the party of the lame, lazy, and perverse.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What the hell happened to the youth of America!

I saw a twenty something hottie yesterday.  At first glance she appeared to be an 9.87 on the Richter Scale.  She turned around and on her left upper arm was a 14 inch long tattoo of a stripper.  Why would she deface her body that way?  Why is it necessary to inform the world that she is a trampy hooker?  Does she think she will save money on business cards by displaying her profession on her arm?  In the future if her brain grows to the size of her breast what will she do with the tattoo?  She immediately dropped in my estimation to a 4.3.  Nothing special about something anyone can rent.  I like Ashton Kutcher in his speech to the Teen Choice Awards agree, SMART IS SEXY.  Trashy is just trashy.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, August 16, 2013

The young and the Gullible!

Why is the age to purchase alcohol 21 years of age and not 18.  It is felt people at the age of 18 are not mature and responsible to handle it's use.  That is the exact same reason why they should not be allowed to vote.  They are not mature, responsible, or informed enough to know what they are doing.  Politicians like that young people easy to trick.  The reason NBC and CNN make programs about how wonderful Hillary Clinton  is (fiction)  they know the youths of America are easy to trick.  Young people believe a lot of what they see on TV and in the movies.  I recently saw a comedy skit which in a humorous way demonstrated how ill informed youths are.  Remember all good comedy has a basis in reality.  The skit involved a celebrity interviewing the MTV crowd just prior to an election.  The announcer asked a couple what they thought was a pressing issue of the day.  They responded too many guns.  They struggled to find the correct words, but eventually advised that all guns should be collected in one spot, put in a container, and dropped into the sea.  The announcer then asked what they thought about the homeless problem.  The couple replied that dealing with the homeless is a difficult question.  The homeless should be brought together at one location, collected together, put into a container and dropped into the sea.  The announcer then moved to a single male and asked him what he felt about the environment.  He responded that he was in favor of it.  I may be wrong but it is possible that the voting age should be 21. Hopefully they would be slightly more informed and do a little better job of selecting our representatives.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, July 19, 2013

Obama- Zimmerman

The only thing Obama and Trayvon have in common is they both smoke dope.  Obama has always lead a life of privilege.  He knows nothing about black culture or mistreatment due to race. Trayvon lead a middle class life with divorced parents.  Obama has more in common with Zimmerman.  Zimmerman a white-Hispanic, and Obama a white-black.
A. C. Smithson

Future of Liberalism

What do you get if you allow democrat progressives to run your city?  DETROIT!
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Footloose and carefree

Ah, to be a carefree welfare, food stamp, free lunch, milk and cheese, Obama phone, Medicaid, recipient.  Footloose, with a clear calendar, able to loot and riot for no particular reason.  I would wager if interviewed these wards of the state have no accurate information to which they are acting upon.  Just a few words from the media and other haters and race baiters is all that is required. 
 A. C. Smithson

Crusader for Justice

Crusader for justice Rachel Jeantel is on the scene.  MSNBC or CNN, I can't remember which excellence in broadcasting station it was had Jeantel on this morning. She was giving her intellectual insight into the matters of Zimmerman and racial justice.  Jeantel this Mensa prospect who can't read or speak English will lead us out of the wilderness to salvation.  Low Information citizens will be inspired and directed by her deep thoughts.  Heaven help us.
A. C. Smithson

Racial Hatred

Al the race baiter is possibly an alien.  No not from Mexico, from outer space.  Look at that head.  No human can have a coconut that big.  It can't be human.  He was likely sent here to earth from some other planet to foment hatred between the races here on earth.  Now for low information readers I am only kidding.  He of course is an almost human, who has learned that teaching people to hate one another can be quite profitable.  If you listen careful to the hate mongers, Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, CNN, MSNBC, and many others it is easy to imagine groups like the KKK and Nazi's speaking similar words.  The difference is the target of hate.  As far as the KKK it is people with dark skin.  For the Nazi's it was Jews, Bolsheviks, and gays.  For Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP it is a innocent Hispanic and whites.  Not much difference between these hate groups at all.  I wonder where the Hispanic groups are.  Why are they not defending their fellow Hispanic.  Seems all these groups may be as worthless and hate filled as the KKK, Nazis.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Teach your children well

Much talk about the Trayvon Martin tragedy is going on.  How will we protect our children is the lament.    Try getting married and staying married.  Set a proper example.  Treat your children as an important part of your life.  Take them to church. Teach them the difference between right and wrong.  Hold them to that standard.  Correct them when they fall short, and don't support their mistakes. Don't let them think they are the most important thing in the world, remind them that most people deserve the same respect and considerations.  Tell them not to smoke dope and get kicked out of school.  Don't let them dress as hoodlums because people will think they are.  Don't allow them to smoke dope around the neighborhood.  Don't allow them to hang out with burglars and thieves.  Tell them it is not a good idea to be dealing in the buying and selling of guns (underage).  Tell them not to be racist and hateful, creepy ass crackers.  Most importantly tell them to have respect for adults and authority.  Finally, tell them not to attack people, punch them in the face, and beat their heads on concrete.
A. C. Smithson

BET Television

This morning I watched several geniuses on BET.  It was a gaggle of lawyers, college professors, and  journalist.  They were debating ways to continuing punishing a man who was found not guilty.  They spoke of how unfairly African Americans are being treated by whites.  They wanted Obama and the U.S. Attorney General to charge Zimmerman, in federal court, with civil rights violations.  These upstanding citizens were probably violating Zimmerman's civil rights in having him charged in the first place.  Then they wanted to change the law in Florida from the stand your ground law to tuck your tail run and hide law.  One of the moron lawyers said a black man in New York shot a white man and he was found guilty.  Different case different circumstances.  Probably was guilty.  Lawyers can't be this stupid, but they know a lot of citizens are.  This non-sense will rile them up.  A little more racism against whites can't hurt anyone.  I am sure if the circumstances were the same as with Zimmerman the guy in New York would have been found not guilty.  Florida had a case recently where a black man shot a white man who was choking the black man.  It was ruled justifiable.  Do not fall for this crap they spread, think about what they are saying and why are they stirring up hate.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, July 12, 2013

Our pitiful press

In their continuing effort to stir up problems and shape the news the press called Zimmerman a white Hispanic who killed a poor black child.  Obviously hinting that it was a race crime.  I have a question, is Hernandez the former New England Patriot football player a white Hispanic?  (He does have a light complexion). The last man he killed was his black friend.  Will the press characterize it as a white Hispanic killing a poor black man?

A. C. Smithson

If Obama had a son.

Recall when Obama was attempting to stir up racial hatred against George Zimmerman? He said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin.  Obama has two girls.  To make girls it takes two x chromosomes (xx).  To make a boy it takes an x and a y (xy).  I suspect Obama has a shortage of y chromosomes.  That explains his inability to play basketball proficiently and why he throws  baseballs like a girl.  What really surprised me is that Michelle did not contribute a y chromosome to him.  I suspect though she is female xx she possesses some y chromosomes. A. C. Smithson

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Obama's Personal Hero.

During his trip to Africa, 100,000,000.00 dollars of taxpayer money, Obama declared Nelson Mandela is a personal hero of his.  No surprise whatsoever.  It is easy to understand Mandela is a self professed communist.  He wrote a book titled "How to be a good communist." In the 1960's the South African Government accused him of being a communist.  Fifty years later he admitted it.
A.C. Smithson


What you see happening to your once great nation is simply liberalism at work.  That is why you were warned about it.  It is a philosophy of feelings not of thought. It fails everywhere it is tried.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, June 7, 2013

Government Data Mining, Spying on you, is it a problem?

The government is tracking all phone calls, Internet, credit cards, and who knows what else.  They claim it is for your safety.  The liar in chief back in 2008 said it was wrong.  He would discontinue this practice.  He instead expanded it from monitoring foreign calls to all calls.  Is it possible that this government might misuse the information it collects.  Could political opponents and citizens be punished in the future.  Can you trust this government, or any government for that matter with your freedoms?  I say whatever return they promise it is not worth it.  The Justice department, ATF, IRS, EPA, FBI, OSHA, and many others have already abused their powers.  Remember Ben Franklin said that if people are willing to surrender some of their freedoms for temporary security they soon will have, nor deserve either.  Can you trust this government?  Liars, liars, pants on fire.
A.C. Smithson

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Hollywood Elite will soon be making a movie about Hillary Clinton.  It will teach low information voters that Hillary is not a liar, and a corrupt power hungry politician.  Instead like Obama she is a God that only cares about the weak and poor. They have a 30 something babe portraying her in the movie.  I don't think they did a good job of casting.  Here are my suggestions:
That's  Better!
A. C. Smithson

Monday, May 20, 2013

Where was Obama?

When the Benghazi Attack was occurring where was Obama?  He was last seen at 5 PM.  He then disappeared.  Where was he at?  Was he playing basketball?  Was he sexing up Michelle?  Was he asleep resting up for his Vegas trip the following day?  Was he hiding so he could claim at a later date that he was not involved in the screw-up that cost four Americans their lives?  Were they running guns illegally again, this time to Turkey?
A.C. Smithson

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our founding fathers can still guide us today.

A Quote from Thomas Jefferson concerning government power and control.  It has never been more true.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Are you afraid of the IRS?  Do you have any concern about the upcoming Obamacare?
A. C. Smithson

Was Obama knowledgable and involved?

Was Obama directly involved and have knowledge every step of the way in the Benghazi, IRS, and Associated Press scandals?  Absolutely!  These actions came directly out of Obama's bible, "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky.  Nothing in this regime happens by accident.  It was all closely directed and orchestrated.  Fast and furious is another example.  The regime illegally sales guns to drug dealers in Mexico resulting in the murders of over 200 Mexican Citizens.  The administration is unaware of the program and definitely not involved, yea right.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, May 17, 2013

Our Future under Socialism

Our entitlement society continues to grow.  More and more people believe they are entitled to other persons earnings.  Millions of people have no problem with wealth redistribution.  Socialism, the collective, is our future if we continue down this road.  Venezuela another mecca of Socialism shows us the way.  US Today reports on 5/16/2013 that Venezuela is suffering some minor shortages under their socialist utopia.  First milk, butter, coffee, and cornmeal.  Now they are running out of toilet paper.  What a mess!  All of you people with sympathies' toward socialism collect up some toilet paper as send it on to the collective.  As far as the coffee shortage call Juan Valdez and his burro.  They can help.
A. C. Smithson

Why liberals don't want you to be judgmental (judge things)

Toronto, Canada, Mayor Rob Ford has been reportedly filmed smoking crack cocaine.  What kind of people have we become when we have a problem with our mayors smoking crack.  The world has become way too judgmental  Way, way, too judgmental!
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The IRS has got your back!

Soon the IRS who has damaged American Citizens for political benefit will be running your health care system.  Wonder if they will punish people for voting wrong, speaking wrong, or associating with the wrong groups.  Is it possible you might be denied health care because of your political beliefs or religious affiliation?  Hell yea it's possible, they have already proved themselves capable.
A.C. Smithson

Who the hell is in charge?

Obama is a bystander, he knows nothing about the Benghazi, Associated Press, or IRS scandals.  He was not involved, nor does he know anything about it. Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton also know nothing about nothing.  Who the hell is in charge?  Are they lying or are they incompetent. You decide.  I know that they are both. They admitted yesterday that the government is too vast for the president to control. 
A. C. Smithson

Why liberals know nothing about nothing!

Liberals rely on programs such as The Today Show for their information.  While Al Roker is standing around crapping his pants, Matt Lauer is interviewing the new host of the Late Show.  Savannah Guthrie is interviewing an actress about her sexuality.  Is it any wonder why Liberals know nothing about nothing.
A.C. Smithson

Cruel and unusual punishment

Society is so concerned with cruel, sadistic, heinous, murders being put to death.  Many don't believe in the death penalty.  Others are concerned that the murder might feel some pain when being put down.  We kill hundreds of thousands of babies every year under the guise of women's reproductive rights.  To hell with the babies rights, as long as it is convenient to the woman and her family. Kermit Gosnell either poisoned them or cut their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.  Note: His punishment should have been to expose his spinal cord with a scalpel with anesthesia only if he had enough money to pay for it, and then snip his spinal cord with a pair of bolt cutters. Think it might hurt. Today they found another clinic in Houston, Texas, that was snipping born babies spinal cords.  In one instance a witness described the doctor twisting one of the live born babies head off.  A witness stated, "the baby reached up as if trying to stop him. "  Doctors rip arms, legs, and heads off inside the womb.  Think any of that might hurt?
A. C. Smithson

Jullian Bond

Three days ago, NAACP President Emeritus Jullian Bond, made the statement that the Tea Party is the "Taliban wing of American Politics"  Then he went on to say when asked if he was being too harsh, "the truth may hurt, but it's the truth." NAACP is an arm of the democrat socialist party.  It is a racist, race baiting, hate mongering organization that keeps the black man down.  They are happy for blacks to be unemployed and dependent on government for subsistence.  They have no problem with the failing education system or the fatherless homes.  They teach blacks that they are victims and have no chance of succeeding in life.  This is what keeps them in business. The modern day NAACP is the "KKK wing of American Politics."  The truth may hurt, but it's the truth.
A.C. Smithson

Post it notes or stickies

Over the years I have asked people why they tattoo their bodies.  Some to the extent that they are unemployable.  They don't seem to know.  One thing I have been told by a few is that it helps them remember people and things.  Grandma who passed away, airplane crash they survived, etc.  This might help, use "Post It" notes or "Stickies."  If you're out of paper ask someone if you can borrow a sheet or two.  Don't write on yourself.
A.C. Smithson

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Obama's Family Tree

It is no coincidence that Obama and the Devil on the TV series " The Bible" look similar.  I am relatively sure they are related.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, March 18, 2013

Parental advise: If you have teenage children and they want to sheepishly follow the trend of tattooing and piercing themselves to the point of being unemployable you need to stop them.  They will become wards of the state and live a life of perpetual mediocrity.  The only job they can get is on the TV show Freak Show.  Guide them before it is too late.
A. C. Smithson
If you are a parent and rely on Common Sense. org for parenting tips you probably should have not had kids in the first place. Poor kids. Question: How did you figure out how to make them in the first place?
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Why did the LA police killer Dorner feel justified in murdering people as revenge for his being fired from LAPD.  His claim is because he was black.  There is no doubt who is primarily responsible.  It is the murderer Dorner's responsibility.  What causes a head case like him to accept that (it's because I'm black nonsense) and develop a hatred so vast as to cause him to start murdering people.  It is because of race baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Barrack Obama and their constant lies that convince nuts that they are being mistreated because of their race and not their failures.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, February 8, 2013

Seem familiar?

Ever notice how the Democrat Socialist Party surrounds itself with children when it proposes one of it's freedom destructive policies?
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the government if preceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."  Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler

Evolution of our language

I find it interesting how our language and the meaning of words change over time. Obama receives large sums of campaign contributions from the CEO of a telecommunications company.  The company in turn is given millions of dollars (taxpayer money) to provide telephones to the poor and homeless.  This is called Crony Capitalism.  My generation called it bribery and kickbacks.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hollywood liberals

A  week or so ago the Hollywood elite came out against gun ownership.  Now these delicate, sensitive, emotional, fragile, artist are against Americans  owning guns.  I think it is fortunate that these Hollywood pretenders are against guns.  I believe that they are so emotional that if they liked guns they would probably end up shooting each other. They instead believe in drugs as the choice of death.  These sensitive, caring individuals prefer drugs as a means of offing themselves.  I propose outlawing heroin and cocaine to help save this national treasure (our artist).  I propose that only a certain level of potency be legalized so they cannot overdose.  I propose background checks so that only the most responsible actors be allowed to purchase these drugs.  There should be a cooling off period so they don't irrationally inject themselves.  There should be a limit on how much heroin and coke an individual should be allowed to purchase.  There should be a national registry to keep track of these sales.  Street sales should be made illegal so that purchases can be properly regulated.  These morons can't take care of themselves an should not be listened to at all.  There is a new movie out warning against fracking  to retrieve natural gas.  The movie explains how it destroys lives, property, water, and air.  Truth is it does none of these.  Fracking has been around since 1949.  Study after study has proven all of these claims to be false.  The low information voter will watch the movie and conclude that it is dangerous.  Thank you Hollywood.
A.C. Smithson

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Question of the day.  Are the unwitting citizens of 1930 Germany who allowed the rise of Adolph Hitler much different than the 2013 citizens of America who allow the rise of Adolph Obama and his lying lawless regime?  Will the end result be the same?  As Raul Castro is busy dismantling the former Soviet system in Cuba President Kardashian is equally as busy installing one in the United States.
A. C. Smithson