Sunday, August 18, 2013

What the hell happened to the youth of America!

I saw a twenty something hottie yesterday.  At first glance she appeared to be an 9.87 on the Richter Scale.  She turned around and on her left upper arm was a 14 inch long tattoo of a stripper.  Why would she deface her body that way?  Why is it necessary to inform the world that she is a trampy hooker?  Does she think she will save money on business cards by displaying her profession on her arm?  In the future if her brain grows to the size of her breast what will she do with the tattoo?  She immediately dropped in my estimation to a 4.3.  Nothing special about something anyone can rent.  I like Ashton Kutcher in his speech to the Teen Choice Awards agree, SMART IS SEXY.  Trashy is just trashy.
A. C. Smithson

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