Monday, August 19, 2013

Liberal Democrats are wrong about everything, here is the proof.

Jerry Brown (Governor Moon Beam) and the other democrats are continuing their mission of destroying the Great State of California (at least what is left of it).  They recently passed a law which allows individuals to join with whichever sex they feel more comfortable.  Now ever since the age of nine when I first noticed how cool girls were I would pick to be with them.  Same wrestling team, restrooms, and showers.  If an male individual makes the claim that girls make him more comfortable they can't be challenged, or questioned about their choice.  Don't know how comfortable that will make the girls feel.  In their effort to create a utopia on earth they try to accommodate every perverse activity on earth.  Instead of treating and curing these perversions they accommodate them.  As with everything else they believe in they are wrong again.  Democrats continue to be the party of the lame, lazy, and perverse.
A. C. Smithson

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