Friday, August 16, 2013

The young and the Gullible!

Why is the age to purchase alcohol 21 years of age and not 18.  It is felt people at the age of 18 are not mature and responsible to handle it's use.  That is the exact same reason why they should not be allowed to vote.  They are not mature, responsible, or informed enough to know what they are doing.  Politicians like that young people easy to trick.  The reason NBC and CNN make programs about how wonderful Hillary Clinton  is (fiction)  they know the youths of America are easy to trick.  Young people believe a lot of what they see on TV and in the movies.  I recently saw a comedy skit which in a humorous way demonstrated how ill informed youths are.  Remember all good comedy has a basis in reality.  The skit involved a celebrity interviewing the MTV crowd just prior to an election.  The announcer asked a couple what they thought was a pressing issue of the day.  They responded too many guns.  They struggled to find the correct words, but eventually advised that all guns should be collected in one spot, put in a container, and dropped into the sea.  The announcer then asked what they thought about the homeless problem.  The couple replied that dealing with the homeless is a difficult question.  The homeless should be brought together at one location, collected together, put into a container and dropped into the sea.  The announcer then moved to a single male and asked him what he felt about the environment.  He responded that he was in favor of it.  I may be wrong but it is possible that the voting age should be 21. Hopefully they would be slightly more informed and do a little better job of selecting our representatives.
A. C. Smithson

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